Page 58 of Fae's Claimed

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Somehow Seran had gotten me back to Jaiden without him or my love ending up dead. I hadn’t thought it possible, but I wasn’t in much of a position to argue.

But Seran had gotten me back to Jaiden, and now I had both men in a room together without any bloodshed. Yet.

Seran was still at a disadvantage considering all of the generals were gathered, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at his smug face.

Jaiden sat in the largest chair in the throne room, cradling me on his lap. It probably looked ridiculous, but I was too happy to be holding him to care. We couldn’t stop touching each other. It wasn’t even in a sexual way. It was as though we were each trying to prove to the other that this was real.

“I need some explanations,” said Jaiden finally, not taking his eyes off me.

“I’d tell you, but I think you’d handle it better if it came from the fair lady’s mouth.”

Jaiden grumbled, and I even liked the vibration of his chest. I’d only been gone for a few hours, but it felt like lifetimes had passed.

“Whew,” I started, trying to collect my thoughts. So much of my actions had been driven by instinct and desperation. Explaining it wouldn’t be easy. “So, you know that I was taken by fae.” Wolfe’s injured body standing across from me while propped up against the wall was proof of that. “I was taken to the Seelie kingdom and left there to be killed. I had a vision of that crazy witch fae lady, and it reminded me that she wasn’t crazy. She was trying to protect us. And she was trying to stop the fighting between the kingdoms. The only way we’ll do that is if you don’t fight over the humans.

“So I called Seran to help me. In exchange for his protection and his promise of my safe return, I told him that we would work together to integrate human women into fae society.”

Jaiden gripped me tightly, a growl rumbling from his throat. “You made a deal with a Seelie?”

“I’m a queen with a duty to look out for two different species, Jaiden. I’m not going to let this war destroy any more lives than it has to. If you expect to rebuild anything, you have to come to some sort of understanding. There are already human women who are scared and held somewhere in the Seelie kingdom. Your men won’t have a chance of finding them.”

“Mine will.” Seran might have been cocky, but he was also correct.

“If you want to team up or agree to work in separate groups, I don’t care. But those women’s safety has to be the highest priority. I almost died today, and I have the protection of all of the courts. We need to show everyone that there’s a united front. That human women are welcome here.”

Xian snorted. “Welcoming our future captives?”

“Oh, no. Because the next women who come over are going to be volunteers. We’re going to start the human-fairy dating program.”
