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“My God, who?” Lord Casey demanded to know as his other children came close to hear for themselves as well.

“Lady Gunther, my late wife’s sister. Seems she is to blame for the death of Marian and the attempted murder of Diana,” Fitz explained, his voice becoming quite dark as his anger returned. He wanted Natale found and tried for her crimes, and he terribly wanted to understand why Lord Gunther had allowed her to leave Town. There was a story to discover, and this time Fitz would have his vengeance.

“Go, be with Diana,” Fitz told her parents, gazing around at the others that had gathered. “The women would be good to stay with her, to make sure she has what she needs. Men, we need to search the area for a killer.”

“Shouldn’t the constable be notified first? What could we possibly do?” asked one of his business associates.

“The man has already been summoned, but I won’t allow Lady Gunther to get away for a second time. You can either join me or return to Town. The wedding ceremony won’t happen until Miss Casey is well again,” Fitz explained.

“Fitz, you should probably change your outfit,” Michelle said in a soft voice. Fitz looked down, realizing he was covered in Diana’s blood. The sight made his stomach tighten with a rolling sickness, but he didn’t want to waste any more time.

“Have my horse prepared,” Fitz said to Mr Bingley. “I will not rest until the woman is found.”

Fitz was determined to see this through. He made his way to the front of the house, Lord and Lady Casey hurrying after their daughter with the other children in tow. He needed not only to do this for himself, but all of Diana’s family. They would need to be assured that this woman wouldn’t hurt anyone else ever again.


The sound of horses breathing heavily filled the woods as they followed the excited barks of the hunting dogs. The constable had arrived with his men about the time Fitz was mounting his horse with Michelle and Lord Duncan by his side.

Not many other gentlemen had volunteered to join the hunting party, and most would have left for Town by the time he returned. Now, Fitz followed the dogs through the woods with a small group of men, all eager to find Natale and put an end to her tyranny.

What would make Natale do such a thing, Fitz wondered as they rode hard through the woods, the sun barely peeking through the canopy overhead. The horses thundered down all the known trails, yet there was still no sight of her.

It felt that they’d been riding in circles through the woods for hours when the sound of one of the hounds howling filled the air. It had been the sound they’d all been listening for, and as all the riders steered their horses towards the hounds, they soon all came upon a large form slumped over on the ground.

“Careful, she’s dangerous,” Fitz warned as the constable leaped down from his horse and quickly approached the form that was covered in a black cloak. Fitz thought he recognized the outer wear, but once the constable tried to pick up the figure from the ground, it appeared to spring to life as a dagger came swinging out from behind the cloak.

“Stay back!” she screamed, Natale’s face appearing as she sprung to her feet and held her dagger out in front of her.

“This is madness, Natale. Put down the dagger,” Fitz said from upon his horse. His voice drew Natale’s attention, and her crazed expression fell once she looked at him.

“I knew it. I knew you would come for me after I took care of that wench,” Natale said in a gleeful voice. “Now we can be together.”

“Diana lives, you heathen. And you shall pay for your crimes,” Fitz spat. Distracting Natale just long enough was all the constable and his men needed to quickly swarm the woman and knock away her dagger. Rage filled her face as she screamed and tried to fight them off.

Even when her hands were bound behind her back and her ankles tied together, she still thrashed about till she fell on her face. The constable dragged her to her feet and forced her onto the back of his horse where she would lay like that until she could be taken to Town for trial.

“I hope this will bring your family peace, Your Grace. This murderer has been caught and will be tried for her crimes. She’ll be kept in the Tower of London until the Royal Judge can see her,” the constable said as he rode his horse over to Fitz and bowed his head.

“I appreciate your assistance, Constable. You’ll be rewarded for your efforts,” Fitz said, unsure if he should feel relief or pity for Natale at that moment. But as the constable rode away with his men, Natale strapped to the back of the horse, he felt very little but a sense of numbness.

“Let’s return to the manor, Fitz,” Michelle said, pulling Fitz’s mind from the situation.

“You’ll want to be there for when Diana awakes,” Lord Duncan added. Fitz nodded in reply and steered his horse towards home, eager to return and be present for his love.
