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“I’m so glad to see you awake once more,” Lady Casey said. “When you were tired early, I was afraid you’d sleep far longer than just a simple nap.”

“I am truly feeling better, Mama. Don’t worry so. It will simply take a while for me to feel like my old self,” Diana reassured.

“So, what is the news that you wish to share, Your Grace?” Lord Casey asked, his face set in a hard expression. Diana was sure her father could sense that the news wouldn’t be a pleasant one.

“I’ve received a letter from my representative in Town. He attended the trials of Lady Gunther. He reports that she testified of all her wrongdoings and has met an end because of them,” Fitz explained, his words light and to the point.

“Such dreadful business,” Lady Casey commented as she placed her hand against her cheek, her face grief-stricken. “She must have been so sick.”

“It is surely a mystery, but no longer a threat anymore,” Fitz said. “But there is a matter in which I wish to make known to you, Lord and Lady Casey. Amongst Lady Gunther’s confessions, she admitted to having an accomplice. She stated that it was Lady Munster who helped her flee Town and make her way to the countryside to try to hurt Diana.”

Diana watched her parents’ faces so closely, the news appearing to shock them to the core. Her mother placed both hands over her mouth as she gasped, causing Mrs Merriweather to place both hands on her shoulders to settle her. The gasp was replaced by a moan, and soon her mother was weeping. Lord Casey placed his arm around her, drawing her close to him as tears streamed down his wrinkled cheeks.

“Is there any explanation to this, Your Grace?” Lord Casey asked in a mumbled voice, his throat sounding as though it was tight with grief.

“There has been none made at this time. I shall write to my representative shortly to enquire of any reasoning to Lady Munster’s assistance with Lady Gunther. She will no doubt be found and tried as well,” Fitz explained.

Diana looked at her parents as they were overcome with the grief of this news. She wanted to rise from the bed and wrap her arms around the both of them and shield them from any pain they might be feeling. She couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to bear a child, raise them, only to lose them to such a circumstance. She didn’t understand why Vivian would want her dead, but it seemed she had made her choice and would now have to live with the consequences.

“I think I need to go lay down for a bit,” Lady Casey managed to say after several minutes of her weeping. Mrs Merriweather helped her to her feet as she came to Diana and leaned forward, placing a wet kiss on her forehead before being ushered out of the room.

“I’m so terribly sorry, Diana,” Lord Casey said once her mother had left the room. “I don’t understand why Vivian would do such a thing. What was she to gain? Was she bribed into helping that woman?”

“Vivian told me that her husband was penniless, that he spent more money on his mistresses than her. I didn’t take her word for truth because of the new gowns she wore. But perhaps Vivian found companionship with Lady Gunther since they both seemed to be in the same situation,” Diana explained.

“It’s such a tragedy,” Lord Casey said, a deep sigh escaping his lips. To Diana, he appeared much older than he’d ever been. His face looked tired as his hands clenched in his lap.

“Can I have one of the servants bring you a glass of brandy, Lord Casey?” Fitz asked.

“I would appreciate a small one, yes please,” Lord Casey said. “And glasses of sherry for Lady Casey and Miss Casey.”

“Of course.” Fitz looked at Diana for a moment, and she nodded, thinking a small glass would do her some good. Her body was sore and tight from both the attack and the shocking news about her sister. It left her feeling dreadfully empty inside. And if she hadn’t been warned to move much, she would have insisted that Fitz spend the night with her like he had once before, that a night of passion would help to heal her soul.

As the day progressed, Diana did her best to remain still while receiving visitors. Her parents were kind enough to dine with her in her room, a small table and chairs being brought into the room so they could all eat together. But the atmosphere was very sombre as they all ate quietly. And as Diana looked from her position on the bed, she could see that her mother was eating very little.

When evening came, her parents retired early with Mrs Merriweather promising to run a nice relaxing bath for Lady Casey. Diana was grateful for Mrs Merriweather’s constant companionship and hoped the older woman would be around for a while, or at least until her mother passed peacefully away. Left alone, Fitz came to sit next to Diana with a book in hand, piquing Diana’s interest in his intentions.

“Shall I entertain you for the evening withThe History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrewsby Henry Fielding?” Fitz offered.

“That’s quite a satire,” Diana mused.

“So, you’ve read it before?” Fitz asked, his eyebrow rising in response.

“I have. And it’s a good comedy, so I shall enjoy it once more to hear you speak it aloud to me.” Diana felt pleased with his choice of novel, thinking it would be delightfully enjoyable to hear him say such funny things. Though the day had been quite hard on her, from finally waking after several days of being asleep, to hearing that her sister had done such a dreadful thing, Diana could at least be grateful that she was with Fitz and he was willing to read to her.

Into the evening, Diana watched Fitz’s face as he read the novel. She loved how enthusiastic he became as he read, and Diana was thoroughly enjoying the performance. She watched how his face changed with each scene, his voice changing in pitch as he spoke for either a man or a woman. It really showed Diana how much Fitz truly cared about her and his willingness to put her at ease when she felt so very depressed over everything that had happened to her recently.

“Fitz,” Diana spoke up, breaking his concentration.

“Yes?” he asked, looking concerned for her as he set his book aside.

“Will you come and lay with me for a while?” Diana asked, her voice catching in her throat.

“Of course, my dear,” Fitz said as he stood and slid over the covers till he was resting beside her. She lifted her head a little, allowing his arm to come around her. She looked into his eyes, mesmerized by the warmth and kindness she saw there.

“Fitz, I need you to know something,” she said softly, finally ready to speak the words that kept her alive during the horrible attack.

“What is it, Diana?” he asked, lifting himself so he could peer down at her.

“Fitzwilliam Mavis, I love you,” she said with a smile, feeling every word as a promise to him. For a moment, Fitz simply stared at her. But eventually his own smile blossomed as he leaned forward and softly kissed her lips.

“I love you too, Diana. I had wanted to tell you the day of our wedding, before we exchanged vows. I wanted you to know how I truly felt before we were wed,” Fitz said, his words filling her with such joy that she thought her heart might burst.

Diana leaned up just a little bit so she could kiss Fitz once more, wanting to convey her love for him through their tender kiss. They remained in that position for some time, whispering sweet loving words to each other through ever kiss that they shared. Though Diana’s body and mind were riddled with pain and grief, her heart was filled with a powerful love that she was certain would allow her body to heal fully one day.
