Page 37 of Obsession

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“They took her down by the port, where the cargo ships come in.”

“That’s a big fucking area. Can you be more specific?”

“The MC owns a warehouse on Port Industrial Drive. I don’t know the address, but it is near the water. They move their cargo in those tractor trailer containers.”

That was enough to get my fingers flying on the keyboard. It took a few minutes, but I finally located a warehouse under the name of Jeremy Porter, aka King Pen. I shot the address and directions to everyone’s phone, and we started running toward our bikes. According to the information I found, there was a manifest on a ship that was set to disembark from the port in less than two hours. There was a container from the Porter warehouse scheduled to be loaded onto that ship. If we didn’t make it there in time, it would be almost impossible to find Obsession again.

The good men and women of The Predators MC rode with urgency to get one of ours back. Pushing our bikes to their limits, we crossed the Dames Point Bridge like the devil was on our asses. Rolling twenty deep, part of our crew headed toward the Lords of Death warehouse. The rest of us raced to the ship, where the container was being loaded. I prayed to god we got there before the container was placed onto the ship. It would be almost impossible to find it once it was buried amongst the hundreds of other containers. Live cargo would be placed on the perimeter in case there was an emergency. That is if the manifest listed the container properly. I was willing to bet they didn’t because it was illegal to transport human cargo.

We raced to the area where the men were loading the ship. A few Predators went to talk to the man in charge to see if they could locate the container. I had provided them with the identification number. In the meantime, I logged into my computer and went to work trying to find exactly where the container was scheduled to be placed onboard. Letting my fingers fly across the keys, I finally found the location of the container. Just as the gantry crane was about to lift the container to place it on the ship, I issued a kill order and stopped its momentum.

It was absolute chaos as Baby and I rushed to the cargo bin to free our woman. Our brothers and sisters held off the workers who were screaming at us to leave the area. Nothing short of god himself would stop us. As we reached the container, we suddenly realized we didn’t have any tools that would allow us to open the hatch. Baby pushed me out of the way and pulled out his gun.

“Baby, what if you hit someone inside? You could shoot Sharon.”

“Stop being such a pussy, Matrix. I’d rather shoot her and rush her to the hospital than to allow her to be taken across the sea away from us.”

Before I could protest any further, the crazy man raised his arm and shot a hole straight through the lock on the door. Out of nowhere, that big fucker King Pen showed up and tackled Baby to the ground. I darted forward rushing to the door as the rest of the MC held off the Lords of Death. It was total mayhem as I dodged flying fists, bats, and countless other weapons in my quest to free my woman.

“Sharon! Sharon are you in here?”

I flung the door open to find about twenty pairs of eyes landing on me. Horrified at the thought of what was happening, I searched the eyes until I found the big brown pair that set my soul on fire.

“Sharon! Darlin’, I’m here. Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”

“No, I’m not hurt. Thank god you got here in time.”

I pulled her into me and held her so close she felt like new skin. A huge sob burst from my chest as tears streaked down my face. If we hadn’t found her, she would have been sold. SOLD! I couldn’t fucking wrap my head around the thought. Here we were one hundred and fifty plus years post-civil war, and these fuckers were engaging in the slave trade.

Just as I was untying Sharon, Baby burst through the door. He made a b-line straight to us and pulled her into his arms. He planted a strong kiss on her lips and then hugged her with all the emotions that I was feeling. We both were very thankful that she was unscathed. Looking around the container, I couldn’t help but to get angrier. There were women and girls no older than nine or ten in there.

These poor people were set to be sold to some nasty bastard who would use their bodies for their own sick and disgusting pleasure. What kind of world were we living in? Next to Sharon stood the little girl, Quella, that everyone had been searching for. She clung to Sharon like her life depended on it, and I am pretty sure it did.

The sound of police sirens rang in the not so far distance. It was going to be some huge ordeal. It was certainly going to be the top news story of the week. All I wanted to do was take my woman home, but I knew it would be a while. She would need to give her statement to the cops. Then we had to make sure Quella was looked after. It was already a long day, but I had a feeling the night was going to be even longer.

“Ladies, let’s get you out of here. I am sure you’ll need to speak with the police about how you ended up in this place, but I am so happy to say you will not be sold to the highest bidder.”
