Page 38 of Obsession

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“In this bright future you can forget your past.” – Bob Marley

I woke from my nightmarefeeling like I was drowning. For the past six months, it has been the same. I had the recurring dream where Matrix and Baby were standing on the pier frantically waving at me, as I sailed away on a ship, in chains. I jumped overboard trying to get back to them, but the chains weighed me down, dragging me to the bottom of the ocean. Just before I passed out, I was hauled up to the surface. When I looked to see who had saved me, it was me, only I was in Quella’s body. The dream was maddening, but thankfully it was happening less and less these days.

No matter when it happened, though, all I had to do was look to my right to see Matrix or look to my left to see Baby. Either one or both was wrapped around me in their sleep. Their hot and heavy bodies reminding me of how safe and secure I was. At the moment, one of my legs was entangled with Matrix’s and my arm was wrapped around Baby.

Both men were calling hogs, as my grandma eloquently called snoring. It was time for me to get up. I had a fun day planned with Quella and Mouse. We were off to the spa to get pampered before the ceremony. Today was the day Matrix, Baby and I became one. Though we knew it would not stand at home in America, the men took me to Tibet where polyandry was not only legal, but not frowned upon. This evening as the sun set, we would become united as one.

Quella was excited to be included. After being almost sold into slavery, my fear of being rejected by her was nonexistent. I finally confessed to her that I was her birth mother. When I explained that I was young and forced to give her up to my cousin for adoption, she was hurt. However, we worked through it with the help of a good therapist. We even talked Cousin Jewel into attending a few sessions, so we could resolve our issues. We still have a long way to go, but I am so grateful to have Quella in my life again. My parents still have not spoken to me and I am dealing with that. They have never agreed with my life choices. My relationship with Baby and Matrix is one they could never approve of. I am not sure they will ever come around, but that is fine, I’ve been on my own since having Quella, and I am making it just fine. I have the love of two good men, a daughter that I thought I had lost, and even a best friend who I have stopped resenting.

Mouse and I are closer than we have been in years. Matrix told me how hard she fought to rescue me. She and Ace had a huge fight over the ordeal because she got hurt in the fight on the docks. The Lords of Death were no match for the strength of the Predators MC. No one lost their life, but it was a blood bath. Mouse ended up with a concussion and a small scar on her head. For the most part, our MC prevailed with not that many bruises. We also bonded when she helped me ‘take care of’ Floyd. I finally understood her need to avenge her father’s death. The resentment I had towards her over ‘taking care of’ Bear dissolved, allowing us to move forward.

The Lords of Death couldn’t say the same. Their numbers diminished greatly, as about fifteen members were arrested on sex trafficking charges. King Pen escaped before the cops arrived, so he is still a viable threat. We will worry about him when the time comes. He isn’t exactly a small man, so our scouts will alert us when he comes around.

After the whole sex trafficking ordeal, Matrix became obsessed with working to free as many women and children as he could. It was sort of a crusade for him. It bothered him to his soul. I guess reading about it was one thing, but actually living it was a wake-up call. The entire MC was on board with using our platform to fight for this great cause. So far, we have taken down three transports and saved over fifty women and girls from their grasps. For every one shipment we take down, three more were successful.

Matrix felt we had not done enough, so he paired up with a non-profit organization to help fund the victims. The focus was on making sure the survivors had somewhere to go once they were free. Many of the women had been enslaved for years and no longer had family. The non-profit would help to find housing, do job training, and provide therapy.

All I could think about today, though, is how lucky I am to have found love with not one, but two great men. Pushing the bad thoughts from my mind, I couldn’t help but hum that old eighties song, my future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.
