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“You know a thank you would be nice,” I growl, still upset with the fact that I have no idea how I’m going to film the sets that still need to be filmed without Dane killing Kane for touching me.

Suddenly, Dane is grabbing my upper arm and pulling me closer to him as he continues sitting on the bike. “I don’t want you to ever put yourself in a situation where you need to save me from anything,” he whispers before his head lowers, and he’s kissing me senseless.

“Well, well, what is this?” I break the kiss, my head snapping around to see Tanya standing a few feet away with an irritating and content expression on her face. “Slumming it, I see.” I sense the anger radiating from the men at her comments. Turning, I face Tanya, wanting to slap the shit out of her sarcastic smile.

“Hi, Tanya. Jealous?”

“Well, honey, they are hot, but I never thought you would fall so low for attention.” I hear a whoosh, glancing back I see Dane is off his bike, his shoulders wide behind me.

“Listen here, lady…”

I turn, gently placing my hand on his chest. “Don’t bother,” I soothe him. “Shall we go?” I can tell that Dane would like nothing more than to put Tanya in her place, but Tanya has been picking on me from the moment our filming started. I have no doubt that she won’t stop just because Dane says something to her. Dane looks down at me, his features strained, but he must see something in my expression that has him nod.

“You are with me.” He picks up a helmet that is on his handlebars and helps me put it on. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before; coming here, we took my rental, and I was thinking of going back in it, but I guess Eirik will be driving it back alone. To be honest, I’m excited. I’ve always wanted to go on a bike, and now it’s my chance.

“What about you?” I see Dane doesn’t have a helmet; I must be wearing his.

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” he says with a boyish grin. I hear Tanya something, but none of us are listening to her. Dag has already started his bike, and Eirik is making his way towards the rental just as Dane helps me on the bike behind him. “Hold on,” he says as he pulls my arms around him, so my hands are flat against his abdomen. My breasts push against his back, and I feel the warmth of his leather kutte, and all the muscles rippling under it as he starts his bike.

Just before we pull away, I glance towards Tanya and see her taking a photo with her phone. The expression on her face is the same expression I’ve seen many times before when she is up to no good, and I know that whatever it is, I’m not going to like it.

The minute Dane pulls onto the street, my arms tighten around him when I feel the wind blowing around me, but soon I relax as a sense of freedom washes over me. The only thing that I sense is the wind whipping around me, and Dane’s protection warming everything inside of me. Why haven’t I done this before?

“I love this!” I shout, knowing Dane has heard me when his hand touches one of mine and he squeezes it gently. I’ve had more excitement in the last day than I’ve had most of my life. I have a feeling that every day with Dane will be a new experience. He has a temper that is triggered by the smallest things. I don’t know how he has made it this long without being sent away to jail for life. But whatever the reason, I’m thankful for the fact that I’ve met him, and that I’m his mate.
