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“Tor is on his way,” Dag says as he walks into the kitchen.

“Shit,” I snap, my fingers threading through my hair.

“Hey, at least he let you have a good night’s sleep,” Dag quips with a wink which has me raising my hand to show him my middle finger. Freya is still sleeping; I know she will be tired today, I made sure she never doubts who she belongs to. To be honest, I’m a little tired myself, but damn I feel good. Not even Tor will bring me down today.

Just then Eirik walks in. He was out the whole night trying to figure out what the Desperados are up to. “Anything?” I ask.

“Yeah, but I need coffee first.” Dag lifts the jug as Eirik opens the cupboard for a mug. “Those fuckers are looking for Sean’s woman, apparently she’s missing.” Sean is The Desperados leader; he is a mean son of a bitch. If the woman has gone missing, it must mean that she has run away.

“I didn’t know Sean had only one woman,” Dag mutters as he takes a sip of his coffee

“Apparently he doesn’t have just one, but this one was his favourite, and from what our source said, she ran away with something valuable that Sean wants back.”

“That means he will most probably kill her when he finds her. You know that bastard holds nothing sacred except money.”

Eirik pulls out a photo from his pocket, placing it on the table. “Apparently that’s her.” In the photo is a woman with big, wide green eyes, and she’s investigating the camera as her hair floats around her. There is a haunted look to her that has a protective instinct rise in me. This woman is clearly not happy.

“Fuck,” Dag’s angry word has me looking at him to see his eyes glued to the photo.

“Do you know her?” Eirik asks with a frown

“I don’t know, but I feel a fucking urgency to find her.” He picks up the photo, his finger stroking her face gently as if caressing her very skin. I glance over my shoulder when I sense Freya approaching. When she walks into the kitchen, everything around me seems to still. This woman has turned everything I consider normal, and is now filling my life with a new reality that I never knew existed, but that I’m more than willing to experience.

“Good Morning.” Her voice is still husky. All my senses are instantly on alert. My cock hardens at her presence. Fuck, I don’t know how it even has the energy after last night.

“I’m surprised your face hasn’t cracked,” Eirik teases, which has me winking at him just as I hear bikes approaching. “Looks like your smile is going to end quick.”

Standing, I approach Freya. She has plaited her hair, her eyes still heavy from lack of sleep. I’m surprised that she is even awake. Placing my hand behind her neck, I pull her forward.

“Oh,” she murmurs in surprise, her hands lifting to my chest while her eyes soften as she looks at my lips.

“You’re about to meet some more of our guys, and Tor. He is the Cape Town Elementals Chapter President.” Her eyes widen in surprise just as I kiss her lips. I would rather my woman’s mind be all on me when she meets the others. When I finally lift my head, her heart rate is accelerated, her breathing laboured, and I know that she wants me again.

Eirik walks towards the door as I guide Freya over to the kitchen table, helping her into one of the chairs just as Tor walks in with Garth, Tal and Asgar right behind him. It’s evident that the extra day has done nothing for Tor’s mood.


Tor grunts as he comes to stand before Freya and me, his eyes roving over the two of us.

“Nice to meet you, Freya.”

I notice her smiling at Tor, which has me frowning. Tor has a way about him. He’s a sweet talker with woman and can make them do anything he wants.

“Freya, this is Tor, our Chapter President.”

“I hear that you stopped this fool from being arrested?” Tor says as he pulls out a chair and takes a seat.

“It was nothing,” she says with a smile, but I can see that her hands are fisted in her lap. Placing my hand over hers, I squeeze gently, knowing that she feels overwhelmed with so many men in the kitchen.

“Freya, that there is Asgar.” Asgar glances over his shoulder at us and nods. “And this is Garth and Tal.”

“You look just like in your movie,” Tal says with a wink. “Damn, are you sure you want Dane? I’m available.”

“In your dreams, Tal,” I say, knowing that he’s teasing, but not liking it.

“From what I was told, I don’t have a choice?” Freya says looking at me.
