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I was given an injection for pain at the hospital before they fixed my arm. For the first time in a very long time, I’m feeling completely relaxed. I didn’t want to get the injection, but Dag didn’t give me an option. He threatened the doctor that he would be in the same pain as me if he didn’t give me something. Even though I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to run away if I was drugged, I found it cute that Dag was worried about me. I don’t think I have ever had anyone worry about me before.

My thoughts have been going around and around ever since Dag first told me that I am his. I don’t want to be another man’s property again, and even though Dag doesn’t seem like Sean, he is still a hard and dangerous man—a man that would be stupid for me to get involved with. Besides, Dag says he wants me, but he doesn’t even know me. He doesn’t know the things I have done—the things that have been done to me. If he did, he wouldn’t even look at me twice.

Turning my head on the pillow, I close my eyes. I feel more relaxed now that we are back at the club and in Dag’s room. Being at the hospital, I was nervous that the Desperados would find me, and that there would be a fight, but it went fairly smoothly. There was one member of the Desperados that saw us, but I think that the Elementals stopped him. Seeing how the men all came together to protect me at the hospital, I feel calmer, even though I still wonder what they want from me? Throughout my life, I have learned that no one ever does something for nothing.

Taking in a deep breath, I try to relax all my muscles. Because of the injection, my senses aren’t as active as they usually are. And even though at any other time I would be stressing, as I like to have my wits around me, for some reason, knowing that Dag is close makes me feel safe, and it allows me to let my guard down for a little while.

When I lived with the Desperados, I could never let my guard down. Life was hell. Sean would usually let his frustrations out on me. I hope that whatever happened to him was painful and that he’s rotting in hell. The door opens, but I don’t open my eyes, I can tell it’s Dag by his tread.

Ever since finding me, he hasn’t been far. Even at the hospital when the doctor asked him to leave, he insisted on staying. I was thankful to him because I wouldn’t have been able to relax if he hadn’t. I’m not one to trust someone, and even though I can’t say I trust him fully, I at least feel safe enough at the moment to relax.

I have no idea what he could possibly want with me. I’m not beautiful by any means of the word. My body is riddled with scars, and I’m too suspicious of everyone and everything to be a good companion for anyone. My plan is to get better and then find a way out of Cape Town and a town where no one knows me. A town where there are no gangs, and I can maybe find a job that will support me to have a quiet normal life.

“How are you feeling?”

Sighing, I turn my head towards where Dag is, and open my eyes. There’s no use pretending that I’m sleeping when he clearly knows I am not.

“I think I’m too drugged with whatever was in that injection to feel anything.” Which is true, my body is numb, and my brain is in a cloudy daze.

“At least you’re not in pain. Tal got your prescription. When you’re in pain, just let me know.”

I nod looking at his handsome features. I don’t know what it is about him, but I feel like he is completely different from everyone I have ever met before.

“How is it possible that you could hear me before? Are your senses also more in tune with your surroundings than other people?”

At my question, I see his brow lift, and then he takes a seat next to me on the bed. His hand moves over mine, which at first has me tensing, but then I relax when I realize that if he wanted to attack me or hurt me, he would have done so before.

“What I’m going to tell you might sound farfetched or even crazy, but I ask you to hear me out before you make a decision.”

I can feel my stomach knotting at his words. What could he possibly say that would have me thinking that he is crazy?

“Okay…” I will keep an open mind. After all, what else can I do right now?

“I’m an Elemental.”

My brows raise. Is that supposed to tell me something?

“You mean from the Elementals MC?” Why would I think he is crazy for telling me that he belongs to an MC? I already knew that.

“Yes. But also, the fact that I’m an Elemental.” Dag flexes his shoulders as if relieving the tension there. “I’m an Earth bender.”

Wait. Is he saying that he actually bends an element?

“What does that mean?” I can’t believe that I am entertaining this.

“I mean, that I’m not one hundred percent human. Elementals are stronger, faster, and more superior than humans when it comes to their senses.”

Should I believe him? He has proved that his senses are as strong as mine.

“Are you alien?” Maybe the painkillers are making me hallucinate.

Dag chuckles, the sound is deep and soothing.

“No, not exactly.” His thumb is stroking my wrist.

The motion is distracting me. A tingling sensation runs up my arm. Why is his touch so familiar and so soothing? It’s as if I have known him for a very long time, when in fact, I have only met him a few hours earlier. It must be the medication; his eyes are looking at me as if he can see right through me.
