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Looking up at the camera before the power into the panic room is cut off, I say, “I could bury you, but I’m not going to.” I smile for his benefit. “Instead I’m going to destroy these safe walls you have erected around you so that you know that I’m coming, one crack at a time.”

Now that I know he is within my reach, a calmness has set in. I will make him suffer, and even though my mate will never know the pain he suffered, I will avenge her. Walking towards the metal panel, I place my hands flat on it.

“Good luck trying!” he grates. I can hear an inflection of panic in his voice just as the power goes off. I envision the ground heaving, fissures opening below the walls, just enough to start cracking the bricks and cement. With the power off, he can’t talk on his intercom, something which I’m grateful for because I want this to be as slow and frightening as I can possibly make it.

The ground heaves and groans, shaking the foundation only under this room. The metal of the door loosens slightly. I continue trembling the ground, not rushing because I know that he will be sweating with fear inside. When there is a loud cracking noise, I step back just as the door swings inwards. The minute the door falls in, Sean shoots. Luckily, I had moved back, waiting for the door to stop vibrating.

“How the fuck did you do this?” he screams, shooting again. I lean against the wall, squeezing my eyes tight before opening them again and turning into the doorway.

“Hello, Sean.”

He shoots again, but I’m ready and sidestep the shot as I advance on him.

“This place is supposed to be indestructible; how did you do that?” he asks with his hands shaking as he continues to point the gun at me. “You are one of those freaks, aren’t you?” I see his finger start to squeeze the trigger, but before he can complete the action, I have hit the gun out of his shaking hand. His eyes widen before he tries to punch me, but I step to the side.

“You deserve her, a freak for a freak.”

My hand shoots out, grabbing him by the neck as I push him back against the wall, which starts to crumble at the stress of the body hitting it.

“You held my mate against her will for years,” I say softly and clearly so he will understand everything that I’m saying. Lifting him slowly off the ground, his legs kicking in uselessness, he glares at me as his fingers clutch at my wrist, trying to pull it away from his neck.

“You tortured her body and her mind. You drove her to do your dirty work. You marked her body with your evilness, and you made her feel like she was nothing. You will not be breathing in the next hour.”

He renews his efforts in getting free, but there is no way that I’m going to let go of him now that I have him at my mercy.

“I… I protect… protected her,” he gasps.

“By hurting her?” I ask angrily.

“By keeping her… alive.”

“How is that protecting her, if you tortured her all the fucking time?” I roar.

“Th… they would… would have killed her.”


“Zorb… Zorb enterprise.”

His words have me loosening my grip slightly. What does Aldor’s company have to do with Esmeralda? Letting go of his neck, he drops a foot to the ground, gasping for breath as he rubs his neck.

“Talk,” Tor says from the entrance. I don’t look back because I can always sense Tor and Garth behind me.

“Are you going to let me go?” he asks, looking at Tor.

“Just kill him already,” Tor states as he turns to leave. I know that Tor isn’t being serious because we need to know as much as possible about what their organization does with the women, but I also know that there is no way that we are leaving him alive.

“Wait, wait, I have information that you will want. You will change your mind!” he says with confidence.

Tor stops and turns but doesn’t reply as he raises a brow.

“Zorb enterprise is enhancing soldiers.”

“We know,” Garth states when doesn’t continue.

“But can’t you see,” he asks. “They need the women for that.” Just then the wall behind him shudders and more dust dislodges itself, falling on us. He ducks, trying to get past me to the entrance, but I slide my arm around his neck, holding him back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I ask.
