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“If I show you photos, will you be able to identify them and tell us anything you can that you know about them?”

At Celmund’s question, I nod.

“Do you know the name Aldor?”

I frown. “I have heard the name before a few times, but I don’t know much about him.”

I hear the roar of Harley’s approaching, which tells me that Dag must be home. Home? It’s the first time that I’ve thought of a place like that, and I hope that it will be my home for a long time to come.

A few minutes later, Tor walks in with Asgar and Tal. “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” he says as he grins at the men.

“Tor!” Bion greets. “Is it only me, or are you getting darker by the day?”

At Bion’s reference to Tor’s very dusty appearance, everyone laughs.

Dag walks in. His clothes, face, and hair are even dustier than Tor’s.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” Dag asks as he makes his way towards us. His eyes travel over my body and face before looking at the others.

“Making sure this place is still standing,” Bion quips. “Hey, hey,” he starts to complain jokingly as Dag throws his arms around Bion’s shoulders, which has Brielle squeal with laughter as she steps away from both men.

“Welcome, Brother, haven’t seen you in a while,” Dag greets as he steps back, making sure Bion’s kutte is now dusty. He turns towards Celmund and holds out his hand towards him.

“Don’t even think about it,” he says before Dag can embrace him. He shields Talia in front of his body, sliding his arms tight around her midriff.

“Hiding behind your woman?” Dag says, shaking his head jokingly.

“So, what brought you ugly bastards to our club?” Tor asks, but before they can answer, he looks at Talia and Brielle. “Not that I’m complaining, because you brought your beautiful mates with you. Remember, Ladies, I’m still available if you realize you have made a mistake with these two ugly boots.”

“Dream on,” Bion says, pulling Brielle against himself again. Celmund raises his middle finger at Tor as he lowers his head and kisses the top of Talia’s head.

“We needed some more info; thought we could ask Esmeralda some question,” Celmund reveals.

“Leave her alone!” Dag’s sudden change in tone has my eyes snapping up to him as he comes to stand next to me. “She has had enough to do with those fuckers and shouldn’t have to think about it again.” His voice brooks no argument because there is a serious inflexion in his voice that dares anyone to contradict him. And for the first time, I realize that I’m in love with him. I do love him. He changed my life and the way I see things—the way I see myself.

He stands next to me like the warrior he is, defending me against his family—against everything that he believes. Even though he knows what I had to do, and he knows how scared I am from my years with the Desperados, he still stands in my defence. Stretching out my arm, I place my hand in his.

“It’s okay, I want to.” His attention has moved to me. It’s intense and protective as he stands there ready to fight any that oppose him.

“Are you sure? You don’t have to.”

I nod. “Yes, I want to help find them.”

He frowns, but after a few seconds, he finally nods.

“Great, now that we have that sorted, let’s do this in about an hour in church,” Tor calls as he starts making his way inside. “I need a shower.”

“Are we going to church?” I have never been to a church in my life. Are we going there so I can confess?

My question has everyone grinning as they look at me.

“It’s what they call their meeting room,” Talia reveals, which has my cheeks heating with colour when I realize how much I still need to learn about Dag’s world and the people in it.

“You want to come and help me wash this dust away?” Dag asks with a wink as he inclines his head towards our bedroom. I nod in reply, which has him smile in pleasure. “See you guys later,” he calls before turning and tightening his hand around mine as he starts guiding me towards the room.

“See you later,” I say to the other women, who are now smiling after us.

Closing the door behind us, Dag lets go of my hand as he pulls his T-shirt over his head. “Maybe we can have Bion or Brielle look at your wrist. I’m looking forward to having you shower with me,” he says with a wink as he heads towards the bathroom.
