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Today has been unexpected. First, I decide to go to breakfast, and for the first time be a part of the Elementals’ world. A world that is so different from everything that I have ever known that I’m still wondering if I’m dreaming? Then I realize that this piece of jewellery around my neck can quieten my senses, and that for once in my life, I can finally be at peace within myself.

When we made our way back to the main building, we found that two of the brothers from the Natura Valley chapter, or as the men call them, ‘Draco’s men’, and their Ol’ Ladies, had come to visit. From Dane’s reaction, it was an unexpected one. The women like Anastasia and Freya have that sweet fragrance to them, which tells me that they too have some kind of gift.

“Hi, you must be Esmeralda,” one of the women says after greeting Anastasia and Freya. “I’m Talia, and this is Brielle.”

“I’ve been so excited to meet you,” Brielle says, her arms engulfing me in a big hug. “I know how daunting being part of an MC like the Elementals can be, but you will adapt, and you will love it like we all do.” She points behind her to where the men are standing with Dane. Both of them are handsome men that will make any woman stand and stare. One of them looks like a surfer, I can imagine him riding the waves.

“Those two are our mates. The one on the left is Celmund, and he is Talia’s man. The other on the right is mine, and his name is Bion.”

Bion looks up when Brielle calls his name. The way he looks at her makes me smile. I don’t know if I will ever get used to the way these men all look at their woman. There is no doubt in my mind that Bion loves Brielle. I have heard these two men being mentioned before. I know that Bion is supposed to be some kind of healer for the Elemental, and Celmund apparently is their number one hacker.

“Nova didn’t come?” Anastasia asks with a wink, which has Talia slap her arm playfully as they laugh.

“No, and you don’t need to start making plans to buy new lingerie,” Brielle says with a laugh. “I heard all about that. I wish I was here to see it.”

“You should have seen Ceric’s face when he saw the little, tiny pieces of fabric burned to a crisp,” Freya says with a wide grin, “I can’t imagine how she thought of that.”

Talia and Brielle laugh.

“Girl, you won’t believe the things that woman comes up with,” Talia states. “You know how possessive our men are, right? Well, she had male strippers come into the compound for one of our parties. Can you imagine their faces when they saw men dancing in front of us?”

I grin. This Nova person sounds interesting, but something that stands out to me is that she doesn’t get punished for what she does.

“Esmeralda?” I stiffen when Dane calls my name. It is never good to be singled out. The three men are approaching, and their eyes are all on me. I hate being the centre of attention. From my experience, I know that it means I will somehow be punished for something.

“Hi, Esmeralda, it’s nice to meet you. We heard that you gave Dag a good run for his money,” Bion says in a friendly manner.

I nod, but my guard is up, as I know that some come across nice and friendly just to then turn around and slap you.

“We came here to ask if you would consider helping us with some information we need?” Celmund asks as he places his arm around Talia’s shoulders, pulling her close to him. “You see, we are looking into the disappearance of all the women that were kidnapped, and where they are being held at the moment, and we thought that you maybe could help us identify some of them.”

I would love nothing more than to help them find all those women that I had a hand in helping them kidnap, but what if they then blame me if they find out what I did? I knew this was all too good to be true and that it would all come to an end soon, but how can I in my right mind not help them.

“I will do what I can,” I murmur, hoping against hope that when they find out the role I had to play in their kidnapping, they won’t hold it against me.

“Great, we can use all the help we can get,” Bion says with a smile as he stretches out his hand to grab Brielle’s hand and pull her closer. “I found it interesting when Tor mentioned that our women have a sweeter scent than other women. Even though we all have a good sense of smell, we never realized that fact.”

“It’s true. You know, the blossoms don’t smell at all like Freya,” Dane says with a nod.

“Really? And why would you be smelling the Blossoms?” I realize that Freya and Dane are talking about Monica, Tanya, and Camille.

Dane’s eyes snap around to Freya’s and I see him frown at her question.

“I wanted to see if what I heard was true, and that we haven’t ever picked up on it before,” Dane says as he steps closer to Freya.

She folds her arms across her chest as she looks up at him. “What else did you want to see?” she asks with a raised brow.

“Come on, I just took a whiff as I walked past,” he growls in annoyance.

“Yes, their scent is sweeter,” I interrupt Dane and Freya’s argument to reply to Bion. “They also have a lighter tread than most women, nearly like the Elementals have.”

Bion nods, and I can see by his expression, that he hadn’t realized that either.

“How many women did you meet the whole time you were with the Desperados?” Celmund asks.

“Nine.” I remember each and every one of them as if it was yesterday. I hope they are okay, because their images are engraved in my mind. I’m always worried that they were killed because of what I had a hand in, because after the women were taken, I heard nothing more about them.
