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The adrenalin is still coursing through my body. When I heard Esmeralda calling for help, I felt an urgency that I have never felt before. To think that she was being accosted by someone, and I had no idea where she was, felt like a knife being plunged into my gut. I know that if I wasn’t able to find her, I would have lost my shit. When I saw the two fuckers dragging her out of the gate, I was ready to commit murder.

Her whimpers of pain when the son of a bitch slapped her had my vision tunnelling. I pulverized his hand before I snapped his neck. The only thing I regret is that I killed them too quickly. Looking down at Esmeralda, I sigh. To have her finally in my arms is a relief, but now I need to make sure that we keep her safe, because before, the Desperados didn’t know where she was, but now they will know that she is with us.

We are already at war with them, but now that they know that we have Esmeralda, they will be trying to get to her. The Elementals are stronger, but some of the Cape Town gangs stick together. They have been working together trafficking women and children, so they won’t be opposed to joining in this war against us, so that they can stop Esmeralda and us from closing down this deprived business that they have going.

I see Dane and Ulrich making their way towards me. “Did you bring the cage?” I need the SUV to take my woman home.

Ulrich looks at the two of us as he shakes his head.

“Fuck, I need the cage, she has been hurt.” I can’t take her on the Harley. The fuckers might see us riding past and know that we have her. Also, she is in no condition to be riding.

“I will get Haldor to come and pick you up; he is only down the road picking up parts for his ride,” Ulrich says.

Thank fuck! I want to get my woman home and looked at as soon as possible. As Elementals, when we first touch our mate, the bonding begins. Esmeralda’s convulsions were her reaction to our bond. If I hadn’t given her my blood at the time, she would have suffered for longer. I would have preferred to have initiated our bond in private, but the minute our skin touched, I knew I was fighting against time.

Now that our bond has initiated, there is no turning back, but also, I will be able to track her wherever she is. Now that I have tasted her blood, and that she has my blood flowing in her veins, our bond has been forged. We will still need to consummate our union. From the minute we touched, my body has been on fire wanting to make her fully mine, but I will fight my baser needs and make sure that Esmeralda is healed before taking her as mine.

“He’s coming.”

I nod, thanking Ulrich.

“We will wait with you; we saw a few fuckers hanging around just a block away,” Dane says as he inclines his head to where they were coming from.

“Yeah, Colborn went to dispose of the two fuckers that thought they could touch my woman,” I reveal, wishing that I could kill them all over again.

Ulrich grunts. “Colborn will toast their asses, No one will know who the fuckers were.” Ulrich is right, as a fire bender, Colborn will more than likely pulverize them. There will be no evidence left of them.

“Why are you guys all here?” Since the war between us and the Desperados started, Tor has had us scouting the city looking for Esmeralda. But we are usually spaced out throughout the city in pairs. The fact that I’ve found Dane and Ulrich, and that Colborn and Haldor are close, means that Tor sent them to this area on purpose.

“Tor said that you were close to your woman and that you might need help soon,” Dane reveals as he looks around. I know that these men will always have my back, but even with them by my side, I will only feel comfortable once I have Esmeralda at the club, behind our gates, and protected from the gangs.

“Here he comes,” Ulrich says as Haldor pulls up in front of us.

Walking towards the back door that Ulrich opens for me, I slip in, still holding my woman close against me.

“You found her,” Haldor says as he glances over his shoulder at us. “I have told Tor we are coming in, and that you need a doctor.”

I nod in thanks as I look down at Esmeralda’s face. Her complexion is a beautiful warm gold that complements her flowing long hair. When she looked at me earlier, her big green eyes pulled me in like a siren calling to my every desire.

“Is she badly hurt?” Haldor asks, which has me gently pulling her arm free from where it's resting against me.

I carefully feel down her arm. Her hoodie’s sleeves cover her arms from my sight, but when I reach the wrist, I feel an extrusion. Pulling the sleeve slightly back, I grunt when I see her swollen and bruised wrist.

“Those motherfuckers broke her wrist,” I growl in anger, turning her arm slightly so I can see the inside. I stiffen when I see the scar at her wrist. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take in a deep breath, trying to hold down the anger that is threatening to explode. Opening my eyes, I pull the other arm that’s lying limply by her other side, lifting it up to eye level. I move the sleeve slightly back until I can see what I am looking for—an identical scar. To know that my woman reached a point of such despair that she tried to end her own life has my gut clenching in rage.

“She will be fine, Bro. Her wrist will mend, especially once you mate.” It’s true that my blood will help her recuperate much faster than she would normally do as a human. The question is, will she recuperate from the horrors that she must have gone through at the hands of the Desperados?

“We’ve already exchanged blood,” I mutter.

“Good, that will help with her healing.”

I won’t tell Haldor what my concern is, because I don’t know what Esmeralda’s state of mind is yet, but after everything that she has gone through, I should have known that it wouldn’t be easy. Fuck, I would love nothing more than to reach into the bowels of hell and kill that son of a bitch Sean for what he must have done to my woman.

Haldor pulls up outside the Cape Town Elementals MC’s clubhouse.

The doctor has just arrived and is now walking inside. Sliding out of the SUV, I make my way inside to see Tor speaking to the doctor.
