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“All of this still sounds crazy. I can’t believe that I am part of a species that is so much more superior than humans, and that we don’t even know that you exist.”

I lower my head after she speaks and kiss her luscious lips.

“You are now an Elemental, too. We don’t want the humans to know that we exist. We blend in as much as we can. Unfortunately, we come with our own wars that sometimes pull humans into the fight without us wanting it.” The softness of her body is triggering a reaction that I thought after last night would be dormant for a couple more hours. But I should have known that when it comes to my mate, my body is always ready to respond.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Her eyes rise from my lips to my eyes as a smile spreads across her face.

“A little tender, but I feel like I have more energy than I have ever had before.” Her fingers start to massage the back of my neck, her eyes soft with passion. “I can still feel you deep inside me.” Her whispered words create an instant reaction. My cock is hard and twitching, wanting to break its restraints.

“Fuck, woman, you have me hard with a simple word.” Lowering my hands, I grab her ass, lifting her up slowly so that her pussy rubs against the bulge in my jeans. The movement has both of us groaning. Her legs slide around my waist, our clothes the only barrier stopping us from enjoying this moment fully. Our lips lock in a torrent kiss of lust and complete abandon.

Siena is the balm to this craziness that is happening around us. She is the light that will guide my way as I fight to find Tal. We are all hoping to find him as soon as possible, because each day that passes is one more day that we are letting him down. We are interrupted by the sound of Harley’s approaching. One of them belongs to Tor as I know the sound of his pipes. That means that the other must be Zane.

Lifting my head, I look at Siena’s passionate expression, wishing that I could take her back into our room and finish what we just began. But now that Zane is here, we are going to be going out as soon as he gets a trace on Tal’s energy.

“Tor and Zane are here,” I state as I unlock Siena’s legs from behind me and help her stand, guiding her into the bar area where the others already are waiting in silence. A few minutes later Tor walks in, his expression thunderous, but that is to be expected with one of his men missing. Then right behind him Zane and a woman walk in.

Zane’s hair is pulled back into a ponytail, his blue eyes that are so much like Draco’s, looking around until they clash with his brother’s. The tension between the two is palpable. I notice Katrina sliding her hand into Draco’s. The woman next to Zane stops, stepping to the side as Tor and Zane continue. Her hair is a shiny dark brown, her expression hard to read behind her sunglasses, and the hair falling forward to hide part of her face.

Her leather pants and jacket show that she is a rider, or at least a pillion that is used to being on a bike as her jacket has traces of long use. “Well, isn’t this cosy? Everyone came out to welcome me,” Zane states, his eyes still holding his brother’s, his expression hard to read. '

Tor and Zane come to a stop in the centre of the room. The air charged with anger.

“Zane,” Draco greets in a neutral tone.

“Hello, Brother,” Zane greets sarcastically. “Looks like hell has just frozen over.”

One day these two will have to find a common ground or agree to stay out of each other’s way, because when they are both together, it’s evident that there is resentment between the two, and only they know what it is.

“You are here to help find Tal so leave the past for now and do what you were asked to do,” Draco orders in a low tone.

Zane lifts his hand and salutes him. “Of course, oh wise one!” he says sarcastically, which has Katrina lift her hand to Draco’s chest when I see him take a step forward. I have always been impressed by the way Zane has no fear of Draco’s wrath. If there is one person that will make any of us shake in our boots, it’s Draco when he’s in a rage.

“Violet!” Zane calls, which has all eyes move towards the woman that steps away from the wall where she was leaning, and towards Zane. “Violet is with me,” he says, looking around. “She has a special gift that will help us find Tal.”

At first, I thought that Violet was his mate, but she isn’t, as their energy is not at peace with each other. She lifts her hand to her sunglasses, pulling them off, as she stands up straight looking at everyone. I hear a gasp from one of the women as they look into her eyes. There is no expression on her face as she faces all of us. Her eyes are such a light green that they seem completely white. “Who is going to take us to Tal’s room so that we can get a trace on him?” Zane asks.

No one comes forward, so leaning down, I kiss Siena lightly on the lips. “Love you,” I whisper, enjoying her little smile of pleasure just before stepping forward to take Zane and Violet to Tal’s room. I have a feeling that this is the beginning of a long tempestuous time for the club, a time where we all need to be at peace with each other, and make certain that our mates are aware that they are part of this fight with us.

