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My body is tingling, it feels like I can hear my blood rushing through my body as every touch of Tal has tiny explosions happening deep within me. I have had sex before, but I have never in a hundred years believed that my body could react like this. When he enters my body for the first time, I thought that I would pass out, the extent of sensations rushing through me is unexplainable.

To be honest, when Zane used to tell me about how it is between mates, I never truly believed it could be so perfect. Couples always look so perfect, but it’s not truly like that. I don’t know how this relationship between Tal, and I is going to be, but what I do know is that my body comes alive when he touches me. This is one of those firework moments we see in movies, the passion building within me is scary, all-consuming.

“I Join us forever and always, where one goes the other shall follow. I will hold you above everyone and everything else. I will protect you until my last breath. My body, soul and mind are forever yours and yours is mine.” the words are like a brand in my soul, that open the floodgates of my desire. Beautiful words that will be forever in my memory. My orgasm explodes with such force that I believe I will faint, his groan of release has my heart singing in pleasure. To know that this extraordinary feeling of oneness is shared, that this man wants me as his woman. A man that any woman in the world would gladly have, a man that is as handsome as sin, with a body that I can look at all day and not tire. I still can’t believe that life has brought me a man like him to be mine.

I want a life with him, I want to be happy with this man that has just given me the best experience of my life. I must make sure that I don’t mess this up, I need to make sure that I don’t let him down in any way. I might be his mate, but if I disappoint him enough, he will eventually give up on me. A tear escapes running down my cheek, I lift my hand to stroke his hair where his head is laying against the groove between my neck and shoulder. I know that the motion of my fingers on his scalp is soothing, that he enjoys the gently massage, his murmur of pleasure has me closing my eyes pleased that I am able to sooth him.

I don’t want this moment to ever end, I don’t want us to ever leave this room and face the obstacles that are bound to arise in our lives. I want this perfect moment to last forever, but like everything else in my life it soon comes to an end as I feel Tal tense just before the front door to the apartment bangs open.

“Tal, they found us!” I hear one of the men say from the front room which has Tal snap up.


“What’s wrong?” I ask as he hurries off the bed bending down to pick up his jeans from the floor. He doesn’t stop as he hurries to get dressed but he replies, and his answer has dread rising.

“When we left Cape Town, we realized that we were being followed. We thought that we had lost them but in the last two days we have sensed that they were still around.” He sits on the edge of the bed to pull on his riding boots.

“Who is following you?” my question has him finally looking at me, his hand rising to stroke his finger through his hair pulling it back off his face.

“The motherfuckers that captured me.” His reply has my stomach dip, are they going to capture him again, are they going to hurt him? “Don’t worry, they won’t get anywhere near you.” He promises as he leans forward placing his flat palm next to my leg as he draws closer to me, “but I need you to get dressed and come with me, I want you next to me, so I don’t worry in case we have to fight them.”

“Are they trying to capture you again?” I ask as I hurry to stand only to be stopped by his hand on my upper arm.

“Everything is going to be fine, trust me!” I look into his eyes; I can see anger on his face, but his eyes have a promise in them that I can’t ignore. Zane told me that Elementals will do anything in their power to protect their mates, but I don’t want Tal to get hurt because he is distracted trying to protect me.

“Yes,” I reply, but my heart is beating in fear.

“Now hurry up, get dressed so we can leave here.” I nod as I quickly rush towards a chest of draws and pull out what I need, a pair of black jeans and black long-sleeved t-shirt. In another draw I take a black set of silk underwear that I slide on before getting dressed. “You are so beautiful.” My eyes snap up to his as I bend down to pick up my riding boots. I don’t think I’m beautiful, far from it, but I am pleased that he thinks so.

“Thank you,” I say as I push my foot into my boot before zipping it up, picking up my leather jacket from behind the chair in my room, I turn fully towards him. “I am ready.”

“Let’s go,” he states as he takes my hand making his way towards the front room. “Stay close to me at all times.”

I don’t reply as I see Colborn standing by the open front door, I feel my cheeks warming with embarrassment. He will know what we have been doing, all of them will, but I don’t have time to wallow because Tal guides me out of the door and down the corridor where I see the other men standing behind the main door to the apartment block. “What’s happening?” Tal asks as we come to a stop next to them.

“Two of those enhanced fuckers are across the road in an SUV, and there is two more standing near a tree down the road. We haven’t been able to see anymore, but I would guess there might be more waiting for us.” Garth updates

“What is the plan?” Tal asks as he pulls me close to him. My eyes clash with Zane’s, I see a gleam of approval in them, but his face gives nothing away.

“There is nowhere to go, we can’t make a run for it as they are bound to catch up to us before we get to Cape Town.” Garth says with a shrug, “I say we confront them.” I feel Tal squeeze my fingers gently in comfort which surprises me. Looking at Tal you would never say that he would think about comforting a woman in the face of a fight, but here he is squeezing my hand so that I am calm while he prepares to face the men that kidnapped and hurt him recently.

“I don’t like it.” He states, his tone low and angry. I notice the other men are waiting for his approval of the plan, only now realizing that because Tal and I are now mated the men adhere to his decision on how to proceed. “But I agree with you, it is the only way.”

“I’m going to roast their fucking asses, they think they can confront an Elemental, that they are as powerful as us. I will show the motherfuckers what it is to be an Elemental.” Colborn says from behind us.

“We still don’t know what they want, also there are civilians on the road so be prudent.” Garth says

“No civilian would suspect us if a tornado suddenly appeared and sucked the assholes away.” Zane says with a raised brow. I know that Zane can manipulate air, but would he be able to create a tornado?

“No, that will create too much damage and we don’t want the attention it will bring us.” Garth says, which has Zane grunting in disapproval.

“Zane, if we work together, we can suffocate them.” Tal states as he looks over at Zane.

“I like the way you think!” Zane quips a smile spreading across his face.

“Can you do it to the ones standing outside?” Tal asks with a frown,
