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“Won’t be easy, but yeah, I’m sure I can pull it off.” Zane says, I know that Elementals have powers, but I am still surprised at how powerful they can be. I know that Tal and Zane are both air benders, but to be able to suffocate someone can’t be that easy, can it? I know that we are talking about human beings’ lives, but I find that when it comes to Tal, if suffocating someone will keep him safe, then I am all for it.

“Can you do it from here?” I ask, not wanting them to go out where they will be exposed. Tal looks down at me his eyes softening for a minute as he raises his hand to stroke my cheek. The feel of his touch immediately calming my worries.

“Don’t worry sweetheart nothing is going to happen to us.” I know that he is trying to appease my worries, but the fact that he is so calm has my concerns calming. “We won’t need to leave here until the deed is done.” I know my eyes have widened at his statement, but I won’t ask as I know that I will see for myself how they use their powers.

“Time to get this game on the road brother,” Garth says as he stands with his back against the wall next to the wide glass doors. Tal drops his hand to his side as he lowers his head and kisses my forehead before he turns and goes to stand before the glass doors. I notice that Zane is already standing before the doors, his stance wide as he rises his arms looking down the road to where I’m guessing the two men that Garth was talking about are.

I am fascinated as I see Tal lifting his hands, his legs and back tense as he starts to rotate his hands in an anti-clockwise motion, his eyes intense as he faces the car parked up the road where the two men are. I can feel the energy around us crackling, a slight change in the air and then everything around of us is silent. I am close behind Tal, close enough to be able to see the front of the SUV. I see the two men sitting inside, both looking towards the apartment block. I know that they can’t see us inside as the glass is tinted.

“Now!” Zane calls as he pushes both his hands in an outwards motion. Tal does the same and then they are both turning their hands towards themselves and bringing their hands back close to their chest. I see the two men in the car start to struggle as one brings his hand up to his neck, his mouth opening and closing in a destressed way. The other has his head thrown back his eyes wide, his hand sliding down the window as if he is trying to open it. I know that both men are struggling to breath, somehow Tal has extracted the air from the SUV and left them gasping for breath.

I turn my back not wanting to see the men die, and then tense as I sense multiple energies approaching. I don’t know who it is, but I know that they are not calm energies. “I think there are men approaching,” I cry urgently not wanting them to surprise the Elementals.

“Where?” Colborn asks as he turns to look around himself. I raise my hand and point towards the back door where I sense the energies. “I’m on it!” Colborn says as he hurries towards the exit door but before he reaches the door it is exploding inwards.

I jump in surprise and then gasp as I feel a hand clasping my upper arm, “Stay behind me and if I say do something, do it.” Tal states as he pulls me behind him. I don’t reply as my eyes are focused on Colburn and Garth that are holding back men that are trying to push their way inside the building. Zane is standing next to Tal his features intense as he focuses on the fight before us.

“Go and help them.” I call to Tal and Zane but both men shake their heads simultaneously.

“Nope, they are having fun wouldn’t want to interrupt their play.” I raise my eyes at Zane’s reply and am about to berate him when I see Tal glance at him and grin with a nod. I shake my head in exasperation, there are men fighting before us, men trying to get to us to hurt or capture Tal again and instead of fighting or helping the others they are standing here before me smiling.

I hear a scream of pain, my heart racing in fear as I bend to look around Tal. I can feel my mouth opening in surprise as I see Colborn’s fingers wrapped around one of the attackers’ arms, the man is trying to pull his arm free, but Colborn is holding on as he thrusts the flat of his hand against the man’s abdomen. When the man gasps breathlessly bending over, Colborn lets go of his arm which gives me a glimpse of the scorched skin below.

“Want to be an Elemental, do you?” Colborn is saying as he lifts his knee up and connects it with the mans face. “The only way you will ever do what we do is if you are born an Elemental, you asshole.” Garth is also fighting a man that must be a Karate master by the way he is kicking.

“Watch this move,” Tal calls out to Zane as he inclines his head towards Garth. The man screams his attack launching himself at Garth just as Garth throws a punch at the last minute hitting the man square in the face, then his other fist is brought around and down on the top of the man’s head which has the mans knees buckle and him falling back unconscious. I realize that the man that has just been knocked out is the last of the five men that attacked, Colborn and Garth disposed of all of them.

“What the fuck do these assholes want with you that they are obsessed in capturing your ass?” Zane says as he turns around.

“Wish I knew,” Tal mutters as he too turns to face me. “Are you okay?” he asks looking deeply into my eyes.

“Is it over?” I ask glancing behind me toward the outside of the building, making sure that I don’t see anymore men approaching.

“Do you feel any energy approaching?” Zane asks as he walks around me to look out of the glass door window.

“No, I don’t.” I respond sighing as Tal’s arm snakes around my waist to pull my back against his front.

“We need to leave here, make our way back to the club.” Garth calls, “Tor will meet us on the way, in case we meet with anymore unwanted company.”

“They were going after the assholes, but it looks like they didn’t have to as they came looking for us.” Colborn says from where he is leaning over one of the men as he feels the mans pockets looking for any clue to who they are.

“Let’s go, I want to get Violet to a safe place as soon as possible.” Tal calls as he starts guiding me forward and out of the building.
