Page 10 of Steamy Biker Daddy

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“Can I ask you a random question, Luke?”

I sat down on a couch that was perpendicular to the one she was on. “You can ask me anything,” I said.

“I’ve had a boyfriend before. Hell, I’ve never been kissed before.” She bit her lip. “Is it normal for women to call their boyfriends Daddy?”

Heat rushed to my groin at her question. It was an innocent question. But we were dancing on thin ice. I had to make sure she didn’t know how I really felt about her.

“Sometimes,” I said. “How much do you know about DDLG?”

“I’ve never heard of it.” She blushed slightly. “I don’t know much about sex outside of Sex Ed. My parents never talked about it with me and there were really strict controls on the internet.”

Fuck, I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I shouldn’t be the one teaching her this stuff. She was even more innocent than I thought. I felt like I was corrupting her just by talking to her about this.

“It stands for Daddy Dom, Little Girl,” I said. “It’s not always sexual. Some women like dressing up and acting like little kids. It relaxes them and makes them feel safe. Their partners take care of them. They act as authority figures, but they’re kind and gentle. They’re called Daddies.”

She was staring at me with complete attention. “They just take care of their partner? And they don’t care if their girlfriend acts childish?”

“Not at all,” I said. “In fact, they prefer it. It’s adorable and they like taking care of their Littles.”

She bit her lip, thinking. “And Chase and Melody have that dynamic?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

She looked down at the teddy bear she was holding. “So this bear belongs to Melody, right?”

“It’s not just hers,” I said. We were wading into dangerous territory. But I didn’t know how to stop, not without lying to her. And I didn’t want to do that. “Most of the bikers in the club are Daddies. So that teddy is shared by all of our Littles.”

“So, are you a Daddy too?”

“I am.” My voice was husky.

She smiled slightly. “It sounds nice being a Little, honestly. Melody seemed so happy and her dress was so cute.”

“You can wear cute dresses and be happy without being a Little.” I didn’t want her to feel cornered into something she didn’t want.

“I know,” she said. “But maybe I’m a Little too. I’m not sure. I like being childish sometimes. I don’t like it when I have to play grownup for the cameras.” She pouted slightly. My gaze went to her soft, plump lips. I wondered what it would be like to kiss them. “But I don’t like it when my family treats me like a child. Is that weird?”

“Not at all,” I said. My voice was husky with need. I cleared my throat, hoping she didn’t hear. “You don’t want to be controlled and lied to. You deserve to be respected and loved. Daddies respect their Littles and support them. They don’t try to control them or hinder their own life goals.”

“Then it sounds really nice,” she said.

Fuck. Everything about her was tempting me. I wanted to sit beside her and pull her into my arms and kiss her. But I couldn’t. I had to keep my distance. I needed to remember that.
