Page 14 of The Man Next Door

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What is it about Hudson that transforms me into the most inferior version of myself? Okay so, I’ve always been outspoken and more than a little crazy on my own, but usually, I’m more competent at hiding it. Not with him. I vomited all my inferior qualities. Where’s my filter? It needs to be found before I screw this job up. My bank account is depleting and begging for a deposit. This has to work.

I sit down outside his office at Lacey’s old desk and answer phone calls as they come in. The other men around the office are peaking at me, like they aren’t sure if they should say hi to me or not.

“I’m Lacey’s sister and I don’t bite.”

A man around Hudson’s age walks over. “I’m Justin. It’s nice to meet you. We really loved having your sister around. How’s she doing?”

“She’s doing better. Healing up good.”

“Glad to hear. Tell her I said hi,” he says, before awkwardly walking away.

Did Lacey know Justin totally has a crush on her? It’s my sister, of course, she didn’t. That girl is blind as a bat when it comes to that sort of thing.

Before lunch, I get Hudson’s office clean and all his papers organized. Maybe that will help him chill out a bit. How can he ever do anything on that messy desk of his? That’s one thing I can’t stand about an office. Things need to be put away and filed properly.

On my lunch break, Lacey calls, and I fill her in on last night’s debacle. She laughs hysterically, which only leaves me wanting to punch her. Why didn’t she tell me Hudson is my neighbor? Things could have turned out differently had I known this ahead of time.

“Laurel, I swear your life should be a sitcom.”

“I gotta get back to work. It could be my first and last day.”

“How’s it going? Hudson can be tight-ass, but he’s actually really nice if you do your job and stay out of his way.”

Sometimes, the ones that are wound up really tight are the best in the bedroom. I fear I may never find out about him. He had every opportunity to fuck me yesterday, and he refused. Am I repulsive?

“Did you know he has a prosthetic?”

“Uh random, but no. Although, you’ve spent more time outside the office with him than I have, apparently.”

I laugh. “I detected it last night during our debacle. The metal stroked my thigh. I almost asked him about it.”

“Good. Only you would ask someone you barely know a personal question like that. Well, hopefully it gets better. One piece of advice, though; only speak to Hudson if he invites you to his office. He hates to be interrupted.”

“Thanks, sis. Time to go.”

As I leave the break room, Justin walks in. They all seem to be put off by my flirtatious personality. Depending on Hudson, they may never see me again after today. It seems like that’s what he wants.

Is he going to hold last night over me forever? He shouldn’t have snuck up on me. No need to be a pansy about it.

Walking back to my temporary desk, I run into him, almost knocking him down. “Boss, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you coming around the corner.”

I glance down and notice his coffee has spilled all over his pants, making him look like he peed himself.

“Damn it, I have a meeting in half an hour. I can’t go like this!” he yells, pointing at his crotch.

What he didn’t realize is he just invited me to stare. “Would you like me to stall for you while you go home and change?”

“Absolutely not. I keep a suit in my office just in case. I’ll change.”

Walking into his office, I can tell quickly he’s upset. “What the fuck happened here?”

“I tidied up a bit. This morning you said you wished your office was cleaner, and now it is.”

“Who said you had permission to go into my office?”

I try everything in my power not to roll my eyes, but I fail. He should be appreciative, not upset. Why is he being such an ass? All his files have been alphabetized, the floors clean, and all objects dusted. His office looks immaculate. Why is he so livid, nostrils flaring, and face beet red? “Calm down. I wouldn’t have done it had I known you were going to be so upset. However, you never told me I wasn’t allowed in your office.”

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