Page 65 of Wildfire

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“My mom and your dad? No.” Briggs shakes her head in disbelief.

“How?” I ask horrified.

“Oh, God,” Briggs shakes her head harder. It can’t be.

Brigg’s eyebrows rise higher on her forehead and she gasps.

“That’s why they hated us together,” she tosses the box off her lap and shifts to face me. “Your dad had an affair with my mom when they were young. When did your parents start dating?”

“Mom was fifteen, dad was seventeen. Their parents forced them together. Mom was obsessed with Dad. I don’t think Dad cared about her as much. He certainly has no trouble leaving her behind.” I don’t mean to sound bitter and I want to continue but Millie pops into the doorway.

“Can we go,” she whines. “Sarah will be waiting.”

“Yup, I’m coming right now.”

She spins on her toe and then slaps the doorway to stop.

“Oh, and some weird black car pulled into the driveway and took a picture of the house. When they saw me they backed out. Maybe they want to buy it.” She shrugs and Briggs freezes beside me.

When Millie is out of sight, I press her on it. “What’s wrong?”

“The black car. A black sedan is the car that drove me off the road, Xan.”

“What did it look like?” I ask, my own memories stirred.

“Four doors, silver rims, tinted windows.”

The car I parked beside when I went to see my dad forms in my mind. I point to Briggs.

“I’m going to take Millie to practice with Sarah. We’ll talk when I get back.”

I clomp down the stairs my heart pounding and grab my phone.

It rings twice before Del picks up.

“Meet me at the ball diamond, Del.” I say and Louis frowns at me as I let the door slam. I speed walk to catch up with Millie already at the truck.

“What’s going on Xan?” Del asks but I can hear the jingle of her keys like she’s already on her way.

“I need you to stay with Millie.”

“Xan? What are you doing?”

“I’m going to find Dad.”

