Page 120 of Wild Child

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“Mama called me, told me you were pregnant. I called the credit card company and made up a lie about suspicious activity, and they told me where the card was used last. That was here. That’s how I found you. Jesus, what’s going on with you?”

The front door slams, vibrating the walls with the force.

“Nova,” Zeke calls, and there’s a panic in his voice that jolts me into action. I rush out to him, and the look on his face—of torture and relief—further cracks my heart in half.

He wraps me up tight with his hand in my hair, pressing my cheek to his chest. His heart is racing as we stand together in the open apartment.

“You’re okay? Are you alright?” he asks, pulling back and cupping my cheeks in his hands, inspecting my face like he expects to find something.

“I’m fine. I’m okay,” I say, and he crushes the words to my lips with a kiss as I cling to the sides of his coat.

“Fuck, I was so worried. My shop was trashed, but there was a note on my desk.” He pulls the paper from his pocket, and I look at it.

Do you know where your Princess is?

I pry myself from his grip and get my phone to show him the message I got, too. He leans on the island, pulling me close as he reads it.

He looks over at Dru, still in the bedroom, with a glare and I grab his chin, forcing him to look at me.

“It can’t be her, Zeke. I got the message when she was here.” I lower my voice as Dru moves back and forth between the closet and bed.

“But my shop was trashed last night,” he hisses. “It’s not hard to hit send on a cell phone.”

“Zeke, please,” I plead, and he clenches his jaw. “We need to figure this out.”

“Whoever this is wants us apart. They want you on your own, and I really fucking hate that.” His face is inches from mine, and this close up, I crack. I can’t lie to him. I can’t keep things from him anymore.

“I got a call from Border Control today. I’ve been given 48 hours to leave the country.” I force my eyes to stay on his.

His face pales, and the slow blinking that I’ve associated with him struggling to understand makes me tear up.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you right away.” I continue playing with the fabric of his shirt, needing my hands on him. The ticking clock in my head gets louder with each silent moment.

“And then, minutes later, your sister shows up?” His eyebrow lifts, and his chin tilts to show his suspicion.

“I don’t know what’s happening, Zeke, but I have to go.”

He shakes his head. “Then I’m coming with you.”

“You can’t,” I say.

“Like hell, I can’t. I’m not leaving you. Especially not handing you over to her.”

I show him the photos with a couple of taps of my thumb. The ones from his shop. Of a stack of papers burning on the pavement.

“They’ll come after you,” I plead. “After everything you’ve worked for. What if they go after your family?”

He scrubs his face with a frustrated growl. “There has to be a way.”

I flip to the last image, and his mouth hangs open.

“This will go to the tabloids. It can’t, Zeke. It’s so violating. I know what will happen. You’ll be a hero, a stud. No one will care. But me? Do you know what they’ll say about me?”

He pulls me into his embrace again, curving around me as if he could shield me, and, at this moment, I wish he could. But only men are allowed to be celebrated for their sexual pleasure. For women, it’s supposed to be shameful. I’ll be called vile names and dragged for every decision I’ve ever made. This will hang over anything good I have ever done or ever will do because a woman’s impossible position is to be virtuous and vixen at the same time. Be wild for your man, but make sure no one ever finds out.

“You’re right,” Zeke mumbles into my hair, kissing my head and rubbing my back. “We can’t let that get out. And it’s just for now, right? I’m not losing you?”

I shake my head against him. “You’re not losing me. This is temporary. We’re going to figure this out. I’m going to figure this out.”

I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince, but the hopelessness of this whole situation drags me under. I’m drowning in doubt and fear, and I’m pulling him in with me.
