Page 24 of Jerk Neighbor

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Chapter 6



THE MOMENT THE DOOR CLOSED BEHIND BASTIAN,Paula was on her phone, group messaging with her girlfriends.

Paula: Change of plans, you two. Can’t do cookies & games tonight. Sorry.

Priscilla: Oh no! You said you wouldn’t have to work.

Jennifer: It is work, isn’t it?

Paula: No way. I WILL NEVER WORK ON CHRISTMAS AGAIN. I’m past that phase in my life.

Jennifer: Of course it’s work. It’s always work with you.

Priscilla: Or a man.

Jennifer: Girl would never blow us off for a man.

Priscilla: …

Jennifer: …

Priscilla: Who is it????

Paula: You don’t know him.

Jennifer: HIM

Priscilla: Him

Paula: Forget I said anything.

Jennifer: Too late. Hmm, my money’s on Wire Frames at the SpeedeeGo. He offered to carry out your bags, didn’t he?

Priscilla: That was last week. You don’t ask people out a week before Christmas.

Jennifer: Well somebody obviously asked her out.

Paula: Stop it. It’s not Wire Frames. It’s a neighbor. The guy who wouldn’t give me the eggs.

Priscilla: WTH? The Egg Witholder asked you out on Christmas Eve? Wasn’t he also the Toilet Withholder?

Paula: Please, don’t remind me. But yes, he is the individual who asked me out.

Jennifer: SHOCK

Priscilla: Name, hotness level, number of exes.

Paula: Prince Charmless. Scarily high. Don’t know.

Priscilla: What do you mean scarily?

Jennifer: Where are you going with this guy? Is he cooking?

Paula: We’re going to a ball, ha ha.
