Page 10 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Even Mrs. O’Grady herself had said such.

Mrs. O’Grady raked her gaze over the stranger, and if Serenity didn’t know better, she’d swear the old woman’s eyes gleamed with appreciation.

“I’ve seen men like him talk a woman out of her virtue countless times,” Mrs. O’Grady warned. “Be too late for you when it’s done. Your father will have your head over this. Just see if he doesn’t.”

“You’re quite right, Mrs. O’Grady,” Serenity agreed. “Men are the blight of the world and hazardous to all women.”

Morgan lifted his brow at her words. Even though she spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, he didn’t like being called the blight of the world.

“I was just escorting him to the door when you arrived.” Serenity shoved his hat into his hands and eyed the matron, who was scowling at the two of them. “It was a pleasure to meet you, sir, and I’m grateful for your sense of humor, but I must be going.”

With an expediency that astounded him, he found himself back outside in the drizzling rain, standing next to his two men. A moment later he watched while Serenity and her sister were whisked away by the speeding brown coach.

“Well, Cap’n?” Barney asked as rain dripped off of his brown-colored tricorn hat and into his face. “Did you find out about that there paper story?”

Dumbfounded, Morgan could only stare after the departing coach. Never in his life had he been dismissed so easily. He found it downright…humbling.


How dare she dismiss him as if he were nothing but a nuisance! Women had fainted at his mere presence. Fought one another for just a smile from his lips.

By God, kings hadbeggedfor an audience with him. A sultan had even offered him his daughter’s hand. And this little chit had rushed him out into the pouring rain without so much as a by-your-leave.

Remembering her words about his hat and its precarious perch, he jerked it down low on his head. “All right, Miss Serenity James,” he said as her coach disappeared from his sight. “When next we meet it’ll take more than your sister and a scowling Irish biddy to protect you.”
