Page 100 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Chapter 17

Morgan had no idea what he was in for thatnight. He’d spent most of the day with carpenters, trying to make repairs to his ship. But if the truth were known, all he really wanted was to see Serenity.

He missed her lively, infuriating conversation almost as much as he missed her presence. He couldn’t imagine what she’d found on the island to keep her amused. In truth, he’d half expected to see her on board his ship, trying to take the hammers from the carpenters and make the repairs herself. Or join the boatswains who were repairing the sails.

But that hadn’t happened.

Well, the last thing you need is her poking her head in while you’ve got a ship to repair. You’ve got impressed sailors to free, that’s where your thoughts should be, not on the doings of some virginal miss.

Tightening his cravat, he promised himself to put her out of his thoughts. She would be going home soon and he’d never again have to worry about his sails, or confront frilly underthings in his cabin.

He was glad of it, too.

Really, he was.


He paused at the dock as he heard Jake’s voice. His friend sprinted to catch up to him. “Please give my apologies to Martha. I’ll be late to dinner.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to find positions for Hayes’s crew in town. About half of them are through with the sea. And I’m…” His voice trailed off and Jake looked out at the sea with a wistful gaze.

“What?” Morgan asked, wondering what thought had cost Jake his tongue.

“Well, I was thinking that I’d be heading back on the ship for Charleston.”

Morgan nodded. He would be sad to see Jake go, but he understood. “You’re going back to Lorelei?”

“Don’t start—” Jake snapped, his voice full of warning.

Morgan held his hand up in silent surrender. “I’m not.”

“All right, then,” he said, slapping Morgan on the back. “I’ll see you up at the house later.”

Morgan turned around and headed for the stable where he’d rented a horse. For the first time he actually understood Jake’s impatience. He himself couldn’t wait to see Serenity.

It had been a long, long day and all he wanted to do was share it with her. She’d get a good laugh out of Barney’s bird attacking one of the carpenters when he made the mistake of hammering too close to Barney’s room.

Aye, and the fight Cookie and Kit got into over the last roll.

And he desperately wanted to hear her laughter.

With that thought, he set his heels into the horse’s flanks and took off for Robert’s home.

It seemed forever had passed on a snail’s shoulders before he entered the yard. He paused just outside and wandered into the garden.

Serenity liked flowers. He vividly recalled the way she looked holding the rose.

As carefully as he could, he picked her a rose bouquet. Aye, this would bring a smile to her lips, and maybe a little warmth to her heart.

Holding that hope close, he went back to the front door and entered the house. He swept his hat off his head and handed it to the waiting servant.

The first sound he heard was the laugh he sought. It rang out, reaching deep inside him.

She would be in the drawing room on his left. Heading that way, he halted in the doorway.

Serenity sat on the settee, wearing a breathtaking gown of white satin trimmed in lace. Her bodice had been cut dangerously low, showing off the tops of well-rounded breasts he longed to sample. The entire length of her chestnut hair had been swept up into a beautiful style that exposed the creamy smooth skin of her neck.
