Page 101 of A Pirate of Her Own

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His mouth watered.

Her face was bright, and she reached one graceful hand over to pat…

To pat the arm of themanby her side!

The smile faded from his lips.

His eyes narrowed.

Who was this interloper who dared intrude on his…

Your what?


He balked at the thought. She wasn’t his territory. She wasn’t his anything. He had no right to her, yet watching her laugh with another man made him furious enough to punch the fellow in his arrogant face.

Yes, his face was arrogant. His shoulders too broad. And his pants, they were cut so close that they were obscene! Who did he think he was, wearing breeches cropped like that in mixed company?

Morgan squelched the voice in his head that reminded him the pants fit about the same as his own.

Thatwas entirely different.

“Morgan,” Martha greeted him with a smile. “Are those for me?”

Well, two could play Serenity’s game. He bristled under Martha’s too-direct gaze and handed her Serenity’s flowers. “Why yes, yes they are.”

Martha took them from his hand and gave them to the waiting servant. “Why don’t you come in and meet Captain Stanley Fairhope.”

There was a twinkle in Martha’s eyes, and if Morgan didn’t know better, he’d suspect her of some sort of foul play. But that was ridiculous. Martha, unlike Kristen or Serenity, was level-headed and trustworthy.

The so-called captain and Serenity rose to their feet, and Morgan didn’t miss the fact that the man’s hand lingered on her elbow.

Nor the fact that the imbecile’s gaze kept drifting to her cleavage.

He inclined his head to Captain Fathead. “Captain Fairley,” he said, his voice deep and strong as he battled the urge to rip the man’s eyes out.

At least the fellow had the God-given sense to remove his hand from Serenity’s elbow.

“My name is Fairhope,” he said, flashing a pair of those dimple things that were appealing in a woman, but looked ridiculous on any man.

This man was definitely a fop. Only a fop would have dimples.

Kristen offered Morgan a drink. After he declined, she returned it to the servant’s tray, then moved to stand beside Serenity.

“I’ve heard so many things about you, Captain Drake,” Fairhope said. “Allow me to shake the hand of the man who defeated Wayward Hayes.”

So, the interloper thought he could pander to him. No chance, that.

Reluctantly Morgan extended his hand. “I heard from a couple of sailors you had a run-in with pirates on your way here.”

A light of humor sparkled in Captain Fathead’s eyes. “Why yes, as a matter of fact I did. Devilish beasts, those pirates. Why, some good captain should obliterate each and every one of those repellent—”

“Captain Fairhope…”Kristen began, interrupting the man’s idiotic tirade and looking meaningfully at Morgan, “has graciously agreed to escort Serenity home personally to her family’s door.”

Now he truly hated the man.

Graciously offered, indeed. He had little doubt about what motivated the man to make such an offer.
