Page 109 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Morgan pulled back and gave her a desperate look. “You’ve no idea how much I want to savor your body, but if I don’t have you now, I swear I’ll die from it.”

She didn’t understand what he meant.

He gave her a desperate kiss, before laying her down against the bed. He ravaged her mouth as he separated her legs with his thigh.

Burying one hand in her hair, he ran his left hand down her body to the core of her aching. When he touched her at the apex of her thighs, her eyes flew open and she gasped until his fingers began a gentle assault on her body.

She couldn’t stand the remembered pleasure. He plunged his finger deep inside her and whispered in her ear. “You feel so sweet,” he murmured. “So tight and ready.”

And then he slid into her. Serenity tensed at the unexpected feel of him inside her body.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked.

“No,” she answered honestly.

He smiled and dipped his head down to nuzzle her breast. She moaned as he flicked his tongue first over her right breast and then her left. Without thought, she brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waist, plunging him deeper into her.

Morgan moaned as if in great pain.

Slowly he began to move against her hips. She bit her lip in pleasure. Never had she felt the like. He surrounded her and filled her.

With each thrust of his hips against hers, her pleasure built until she was sure she could stand no more, and still he continued his exquisite torture.

“Oh, Morgan,” she gasped, running her hands down his back, to his hips, to urge him faster and deeper into her.

Then just as she thought she would indeed die, her body burst again, just as it had done that night on deck. Serenity screamed out in release as her entire body shuddered and quivered.

A few seconds later, she heard Morgan groan and shudder over her.

They lay abed for hours, exploring each other’s body.

For the first time since he could remember, Morgan felt sated. At peace.

There was no fear, no nagging regrets.

He shook his head and gave a short laugh.

Serenity lifted herself up on one elbow and stared down at him. “What?” she asked, her brows knitted.

Morgan reached up and rubbed away the crease in her brows. “I was just thinking that for the first time in my life I have serenity.”

Her frown returned.

“Never mind,” he said with a smile. “It was a stupid thought.”

She looked as if she doubted his sanity. “Where did you get all the scars on your back?”

He brushed his hand through the soft tendrils of her hair and sighed. “They’re a souvenir from my days in the navy.”

“You’ll never be able to forgive them, will you?”

Something inside him felt freed by her question. As if something had been trapped and her question had released whatever it was. Whatever happened, he no longer felt angry or vengeful. It was like he’d just let go of it all. Like none of it mattered anymore.

“Kiss me and I’ll forgive them all.”

Smiling, she leaned forward and obliged him.

Though it pained him, he pulled away from her. He pushed himself off the bed and held his arm out to her.
