Page 114 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Serenity smiled at her teasing tone. “Thank you, Kristen. If you ever come to the Colonies…”

“I’ll make sure I find you. Who knows, I may yet demand George take me to see you.”

“I would like that.”

Kristen pulled her into a hug.

Serenity held on to her friend, knowing that once she returned home, she would never again experience this kind of female companionship. The women of Savannah would never be as forgiving or as kind as Kristen.

Time to go, Serenity.

Now, before you change your mind.

Reluctantly Serenity pulled away and headed out the door without looking back.

She refused to look back. Only regret waited there, and she didn’t want to regret knowing Morgan.

Loving Morgan.

She climbed aboard the coach and watched as Kristen came out to the steps to wave good-bye. Returning the gesture, Serenity was thrown back into her seat as the driver whipped the team into motion.

She listened to the early morning noises as the coach wound its way down the dusty dirt road to the shore. This island had been a wonderful experience, one she would treasure forever.

All too soon, the coach pulled up to the dock and the driver got down to help her out. She took his outstretched hand and descended. The driver reached in behind her and removed her valise from the seat, then handed it to her.

With a knot in her stomach, Serenity headed toward the small boat that would row her to the colonial ship.

In spite of her resolve, she found herself looking over atTriton’s Revenge. It stood proud in the water, like Morgan himself. The early morning sunlight glinted off the skeletal masts, and the ship swayed and dipped against the waves as the serpent masthead glared at her.

Gulls flapped and called loudly overhead. The ship looked deserted.

Was Morgan still asleep? Or could he see her now as she made her way quietly back home?

Not wishing to think about it, she waded to the boat. The boatswain helped her to her seat, then began rowing them out.

As they crossed the narrow distance to the ship, she tried to banish the image of Morgan rowing her out the night before. The incredibly handsome look on his face as he watched her with desperate longing.

Dear Lord, how she wanted him. Needed him more than she needed the very air she breathed.

Gripping the side of the boat until her knuckles burned, she fought the urge to jump out of the boat and swim to Morgan’s ship.

She didn’t want to leave him.

She would give anything in the world to stay.

Stop the boat!her mind screamed.

But they could never be happy. She wanted a home with a family and he loved the sea.

She remembered her father’s old saying, a bird and a fish can fall in love, but where do they live? If they make their nest at sea the bird will starve and if they make their nest on land…

“Good-bye, Morgan,” she whispered to the early mist.

Morgan stood on the poop deck, watching the small boat moving steadily closer to the colonial ship. Even from this distance, he could make out Serenity’s form.

An ache so fierce it was almost crippling consumed him.

If not for the netting that his crew had put in place the day before, he would launch himself overboard and swim out to her.
