Page 113 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Chapter 19

Morgan didn’t sleep at all that night. He layquietly in his bunk, one arm raised above his head, as he stared up at the ceiling lost in torturous thoughts.

Over and over he saw Serenity before him, her eyes flashing, her body writhing beneath his.

The look on her face as she’d walked gracefully out of his life.

He drew a deep breath against the pain that lacerated his chest. It felt as though his heart had been torn out.

She was gone.

And he had let her go. He had just turned his back and let her walk out of his life.

“So,” he whispered to himself. “I’m a coward after all.”

But deep inside he knew it was for the best. She’d been right. Even if they married and she traveled with him, sooner or later she would become pregnant, and then what?

He couldn’t raise a child on board a ship. He didn’t even want to try.

God forbid, what would happen if they were attacked and the ship went down with both Serenity and their child on board with no way to save them?

What if they were lost at sea and he was forced to watch them starve in a lifeboat while they waited for a rescue that never came?

No, he could never stand that.

He must let her go.

He would survive. He always survived, and pain was nothing new to a man who’d lived most of his life with it.

Morning came too soon to Serenity. She watched the sun creep up over the island from the windows ofLa Grande Maison. Downstairs, she could hear the first stirrings of the staff as they set about opening windows and preparing breakfast.

Kristen had been good enough to donate several gowns to her for the trip home, and a valise, which now was set on the bed packed and ready to go.

When she’d returned in the wee hours, Kristen had been waiting up for her, and Serenity had confided to her new friend what had happened between her and Morgan. And the fact that she was determined to leave.

Kristen had done her best to change her mind, but one thing about Serenity—her stubbornness knew no equal. Somewhere in the early morning hours, Kristen had finally given up and retired.

A soft knock sounded on the door. “Miss James?”

She recognized the voice of Kristen’s maid. “Come in,” she called.

The maid opened the door a crack. “The coach is waiting for you, miss.”

“Thank you.” Serenity forced herself away from the window, and on trembling legs, she walked to her valise. This was really it, she was going home.

Picking it up, she left the room.

Kristen was waiting at the foot of the stairs, her face sad, her arms wrapped around her. “I didn’t think you could really go through with this. Even after our discussion.”

Neither did I.

Serenity’s grip on the balustrade increased as she took the last four steps that brought her even with Kristen. “I have no choice.”

“Pity. I thought you were more of a fighter.”

Serenity laughed bitterly, and looked at a picture across the hall to keep from meeting Kristen’s sharp gaze. A gaze she knew would see through her and strip bare the depth of her feelings. “I guess I know this is one fight I can never win. Even my stubbornness has its limits.”

Nodding, Kristen forced a smile to her lips. “Well then, I wish you all the luck in the world. It’s been fun getting to know you.” Her smile turned sincere. “Tweaking Morgan’s nose…”
