Page 25 of A Pirate of Her Own

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She looked back over her shoulder to see him staring out at the sea as well. With the lantern light shadowing his face and his hair tousled about his tanned cheeks, he reminded her much of the wolf for which he was named.

Serenity found it overwhelmingly attractive.

And deeply disturbing.

Time seemed suspended.

He stared at her with a raw hunger burning bright in his eyes. His entire body tense, he stood as frozen as she.

Kiss me.

Serenity felt her face grow warm at her thought. Oh, but he was so very handsome. Just the type of man she’d dreamed of on so many lonely nights. The type of man she’d giggled about with her sisters and friends as they exchanged stories on what features and characteristics they wanted for their beaux.

But it was a foolish thought.

He was a man of the sea. A man who would no doubt live and die on board a ship, and she was just the plain spinster daughter of a printer.

It wasn’t for her to have such thoughts.

Clearing his throat, he moved to his trunk and pulled out a towel and shirt. “I’m afraid we’re lacking in feminine garb. You’ll have to make do with this until we can find more suitable clothing.”

Serenity took the clothes from him, stung by his obvious rejection. She had been so sure he was going to kiss her. He’d had the same look Charlie Simms got right before he made free with his hands.

“I’m sure I look a fright,” she whispered, moving toward the table. Morgan came up behind her so close that she could smell the salt of his skin, feel the heat of his body.

Until he put a small mirror up to her face. “I must say I’ve seen you look better,” he said.

Serenity gasped. Goodness, she looked worse than she’d feared.

“I should caution you against any further inclination to roll around in the dirt, Miss James,” he said, with a teasing note in his voice. “Fresh water is scarce on a ship and we have very little for washing.”

That said, he took a pitcher from the cabinet in the wall and poured a small amount of water into the washbasin. Before she could move, he dipped a small cloth into the water and brought it up to her face.

She couldn’t move. She held her breath as he slid the cool cloth over her face and neck. His long, lean fingers brushed her skin, raising chills all the length of her. And even stranger than the chills was the sudden warmth that began to drum through her entire body.


“Yes, Miss James?”

“I…” Serenity couldn’t finish her sentence. All she could do was stare up at him, aching for something she couldn’t name.

And then he did it.

His lips claimed hers with a firmness that took her breath. Arms as strong as steel wrapped around her and brought her up close against a body so hard and solid that she couldn’t imagine any man feeling better.

Her legs weak, she surrendered her weight to him.

Now, this was a kiss, she thought, as he parted her lips and explored her mouth with the expertness of Don Juan. This was the wonder, the thrill that romantic authors wrote of, and in that instant, she knew that she would never want another man to hold her so intimately.

Serenity felt him tense an instant before he stepped away. Her mind numb, she could do nothing but stare at him in confusion.

What had prompted him to kiss her so passionately?

And why did he look so upset now?

Did he regret it?

He ran his thumb over his lips and stared at her with an unreadable expression on his face. “You are a very dangerous woman, Serenity.”
