Page 27 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Chapter 5

Serenity stared at the closed door. Lock thedoor indeed! Yet even through her mortification, she was thrilled that a heroic man like Morgan could be attracted to her.

Her heart light, she placed his shirt on the oak table and quickly locked the door as ordered. Not that she was afraid of him, nay, far from it.

Her Sea Wolf had proven himself a most honorable man.

“My Sea Wolf,” she repeated, wondering if any woman could ever lay claim to such a man.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She felt giddy, even a little silly. Oh, but it was an incredible feeling. One completely new to her.

Her thoughts still on her magnificent Captain Drake, she finished scrubbing the soot from her cheeks. Even now with the cold water splashing against her skin, she could feel the heat of Morgan’s touch, smell the raw and wild scent of the untamed sea. It was a heady concoction.

Was this what her sister Chatty had felt on those nights when she would sneak out of the house to meet Stephen alone? No wonder Chatty had run away with him. At the moment, Serenity held little doubt that if Morgan asked her to, she would follow him to the ends of the earth.

She heard his voice from outside the door as he called orders to one of his men, and another warm rush ran through her. What a man!

Strong, proud…

A little on the arrogant side and somewhat domineering, but then, who was without flaws?

Sighing, she pulled her brother’s shirt off and replaced it with Morgan’s. The white lawn swept against her skin, raising chills along her arms. It had his scent. Raw and wild, and she fought the urge to bury her nose in the soft material.

A knock at the door startled her.

“Miss James?” a timid voice called. “The captain wanted me to bring you some…” The voice trailed off and for several seconds no sound followed.

She lifted her brow in question.

“Some lady things,” the voice finished, rushing as if the words embarrassed him.

Opening the door, she met the young man who had peeked into her shop earlier that day. He stood on the other side, looking sheepish and unsure while he clutched at an armload of material.

“They call me, Kit, ma’am,” he said, his light blue eyes meeting hers for an instant before he glanced back to the floor. “Barney and the captain told me to look after any needs you might have.”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile.

He handed her his armload of clothes. “These are from Captain Dudley. They were supposed to be for his wife, but after Captain Drake had a few words with him, he said that you might have more use of them for the time being.”

Who was Captain Dudley?

“Dudley?” she asked.

“Aye, Jake Dudley. He was the one who brought you on board.”

“Oh yes, I remember him quite well.”

Kit hung his head and nodded. “I thought you might.”

He started to move away, but Serenity stopped him with a light touch on his arm. “Who is Jake Dudley, Kit?” she asked, remembering the way he’d spoken to Morgan. She didn’t know for certain, but she suspected that Morgan Drake didn’t allow many men such liberty with their words. “Is he a member of the crew or just a friend of Captain Drake’s?”

She watched the color fade from his cheeks as if the question terrified him. “It’s not for me to say, Miss James.”

With that handful of mysterious words, Kit took his leave. Chewing her lip, Serenity shut the door and crossed the room. A mystery. How she loved a mystery to solve. And just who should she bother for the details?

Surely not Morgan, he was too clever and cautious by half. And Jake himself scared her to pieces.

