Page 53 of A Pirate of Her Own

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He pursed his lips and sighed. “Well, it’s usually challenged. Most of the time one ship or the other will surrender after only a few rounds are shot.”

“Really?” she asked. “I thought ships constantly battled each other.”

“Let’s just say that sea battles are hard to win. We’ve picked up survivors from the victory ship numerous times. It only takes one or two cannonballs in the wrong place to sink both ships.”

“Then why fight?”

Kit shrugged. “Fighting is always a last resort. Unless…” his voice trailed off, and he looked as if he hadn’t meant to keep talking.

“Unless what?” she prompted.

Scratching the back of his neck, he gave her a doleful look from under his brow. “Unless the ship flies theJolie Rouge.”

“You mean the Jolly Roger?” she asked.

“No, ma’am. TheJolie Rougeis a pirate’s red flag of death. It means no survivors will be tolerated.”

Serenity’s heart pounded at his words. “How often have you seen thisJolie Rouge?”

He looked away, and by the slump in his shoulders, she could tell how much the questions bothered him. “More times than was ever necessary, Miss James.”

Morgan was about to hand the Stars and Stripes to Lou when Jake’s voice stopped him. “It won’t work, Drake.”

Morgan turned to face him.

Jake, his hip leaning against the side rail, nodded out toward the approaching ship and handed Morgan his spyglass. “That’s Wayward Hayes’s ship,Death Queen.”

“Are you sure?” Morgan asked.

“I smell his body odor from here. Besides, I’ve had enough run-ins with him to know his ship on sight. Though I didn’t know what he looked like until the other day, that’s one ship I know as well as I knew my own when I sailed. I’d be willing to wager he’s already figured out who you are.”

Jake scratched his chin. “Guess you got your wish after all. You should be grateful, you didn’t even have to go to the Caribbean to find him.”

“Yes, but I would much rather have faced him on my own terms, and not with two ruined sails.” Morgan let out a slow breath as he considered his options.

The last thing he needed was a conflict with Hayes. Especially with his current, nosyguest. He didn’t like the thought of fighting while he had a female passenger on board. The risk to her safety was just too great.

Morgan looked up at the sliced sails. “There’s no way to outrun him.”

“Captain,” Lou interrupted from his position in the crow’s nest. “They just hoisted the Jolly Red.”

Jake curled his lip. “Same Hayes. He’s not going to give quarter.”

Morgan turned to the helm where Barney held the wheel. “Sound the alarm, Mr. Pitkern. There’s going to be a fight.”

“I’ll take the helm while he does,” Jake offered. “But if I were you, Drake, I’d let it be known that the Marauder is still alive and well. Hayes might be smart enough to let us pass in peace. Even he has to fear something sometime.”

Morgan considered the request. What would it matter to Hayes if he found out the Marauder and the Sea Wolf were one and the same? The price on the Marauder’s head was four times that of the Sea Wolf. “If I do that,she’llknow who we are.”

Jake shrugged. “I don’t guess the sharks’ll care who we are when they’re making their meal off us. ’Course, you know what Hayes’ll do to your woman when he finds her. Maybe we should go ahead and cut her throat to save her the pain.”

Jake was right. Hayes would never go easy on a woman he suspected was a pirate’s mistress.

Morgan took a minute to watch his men hurry to their stations. They were all good sailors; some with families.

His gaze fell to Barney and he sighed. He’d never hear the end of this once Barney found out what he’d been doing those years they were apart.

And Serenity…
