Page 55 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“The captain retired from piracy years ago,” Kit explained. “I didn’t even know he still had the flag.”

“Isthatsupposed to comfort me?”

“But you don’t understand…”

Not willing to hear any more from Kit, Serenity went after Morgan.

She wanted an explanation from him. To hear from his own lips how he could be the Marauder.

How could her Sea Wolf be a killer? How could her perfect hero do something so loathsome?

On deck, she paused. Cannons had been uncovered and now stood ready with a crew of three manning each one. Atop the rigging were numerous men who had muskets and pistols at the ready.

It was eerily quiet, as if they were a painting and not a real crew. The only movement came from the pirate flag that was being drawn up the rigging.

Suddenly a rough laugh sounded. “Morgan!” Jake called. “You’ve got to see Hayes’s face.”

She watched as Jake handed the spyglass to Morgan.

“I haven’t seen a man look so pale since that doctor in Jamaica told Robert Dreck he’d have to amputate his pecker.”

Morgan didn’t answer, he just looked out at the approaching ship.

Serenity’s cheeks grew warm from Jake’s crudity.

Jake turned to face her and the smile on his lips died instantly. He nudged Morgan’s shoulder.

Morgan lowered the spyglass and met her gaze.

Something passed between them. Something Serenity couldn’t name. But it kept her spellbound as she watched him cross the deck to her side.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he said to her. “I can read it on your face.”

She stiffened. “What am I thinking?”

“You’re judging me without knowing the facts.”

“And what are the facts?”

His face turned granite. It was probably the first time in his life someone had asked him to explain himself, and by the look of him, he wasn’t ready to do so.

“The facts are that we are about to be attacked by Wayward Hayes. I’ve warned him who I am, but I doubt it’ll stop him from—”

The sound of a cannon exploding interrupted him.

“Incoming!” Jake roared.

Morgan grabbed Serenity and pulled her to the deck.

An instant later, the cannonball fell a few feet short of the ship. A huge tidal splash came over the edge, dousing the two of them.

“Attacking!” Morgan finished his sentence.

Terrified from the experience, Serenity stared at him in disbelief. He was enjoying this!

His eyes actually twinkled in merriment.

The man was mad. Insane!
