Page 65 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“No pity for you.”

She lifted her head up and stiffened her spine. “I ask for none.”

Morgan smiled wickedly. Here was his chance to prove to her why women were best suited for home life. And he wasn’t about to let it pass. Nay, one trip up the rigging and she’d be content with her woman’s role in life.

Aye, whether she wanted to admit it or not, women were the weaker sex and thus it was his duty to point that out to her.

“Very well then, Miss James, put your brother’s trousers back on. I’ll wait in the hallway while you dress.”

As soon as she was ready, she opened the door and smiled at him. “All right, Captain, I’m ready to face my greatest challenge.”

“You want to break your neck.”

She lifted her chin and gave him a saucy glare from the corner of her eye. “I want to climb up there and see the high seas.”

Morgan laughed. “Very well, but if you get killed, I’ll not take the blame.”

Her laughter joined his. “Don’t worry, I’ll just haunt you forever.”

His laughter dying, Morgan realized how true her words already were. He knew the image of her bright smile and laughing eyes would stay with him until the end of his days. Indeed, how could he ever forget the way she looked just now, standing before him in those black trousers, molded to perfection on her rounded hips. Her black shirt was knotted at her slender waist while her nipples protruded ever so slightly in the fabric. She was not the type of woman a man easily forgot.

Not the type of woman a man could have near him and not touch.

Get ahold of yourself.

But what he really wanted to get ahold of was her.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he led the way to the deck.

Morgan decided he was most definitely the one insane as he showed her how to hoist herself up the ropes that led to the crow’s nest. She hung above him, her hips undulating in a most provocative way as she shifted her weight.

His body strained against his seams and he damned himself for not leaving her in her dress.

Indeed, as if the sight of her garters and other things above your head would have been better thanthis!

“Make sure you keep your grip tight,” he said to her as she lifted herself up through the ropes. All in all, she was doing a great job of climbing up. She’d only slipped once.

“Don’t look down,” he heard her whisper as she reached up over her head and grabbed another line, and it was only then that he realized she was terrified.

“Are you okay, Miss James?”


Funny, the curt word sounded more like a prayer than an answer.

“We can go back to the deck any—”

“No, no,” she assured him. “I’m getting along just fine.”

Morgan positioned himself directly under her. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.”

Serenity glanced down at him. “Could you really catch me?” she asked.

“Absolutely. Besides, Barney would have my head if I let you make a mess on the deck.”

“Oh, thanks,” she said, smiling. “I’m glad chivalry is alive and well on the high seas.”

Her courage renewed, Serenity finished the climb to the crow’s nest.
