Page 81 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Footsteps that heralded the approach of Morgan.

As he had promised, he had cleaned up the remnants of the door from his cabin. She had spent the rest of the day in the galley with Mr. Rodale and Court.

By unspoken, mutual agreement she and Morgan had avoided each other all day. Especially once word had gone around the crew about what had happened between them.

At first she’d thought Mr. Rodale would have Morgan’s head, but she and Court had finally talked sense into him.

Now Morgan stood in the doorway with a bedroll hanging from his left hand.

“Is there something you need?” she asked, her voice frigid as she stepped away from the bunk.

He shook his head and without a word to her, began unrolling his blanket and pillow. He stretched out on the floor just outside her door.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Serenity asked, arms akimbo as she approached him.

Morgan pulled the blanket up around his chest and looked up at her. “I’m about to go to sleep for the night, if you don’t mind.”

“Well, I certainly do mind your sleeping in my room.”

His gaze traced the outline of the door frame, then he looked directly into her face. “I believe I am outside the cabin.”

“Inside, outside, what difference does it make now that there’s no way to bar your access to my bed? Do you think me foolish enough to sleep with you so close by? You forget, Captain. I know what manner of man you are.”

He gave a tired sigh. “I’m in no mood to fight, Serenity. Go to bed. I’m here simply to make sure no one disturbs you.”

Did she dare believe it?

As if sensing her doubt, he rolled over and gave her his back. “Go to sleep, Miss James.”

Hesitant, she returned to her bed and carefully crawled in, making sure to keep her eyes on him all the while.

He never moved.

All night, Morgan listened to Serenity toss and turn in his bed. Every time she moved, his body reacted, aching for hers. Too easily, he remembered the passion of her embrace, the sound of her ecstasy.

She’s killing me,he thought sourly.

Slowly but surely she was absolutely killing him with want.

Sighing, he realized he wouldn’t get any sleep this night, and from the sounds of it, neither would she.

Determined not to yield to his body, Morgan said quietly, “I’m sorry about the door. I shouldn’t have overreacted.”

There were a few seconds of silence before she responded to his apology. “I’m sorry I goaded you to such anger.”

Well, it was a start, he thought. At least she was able to see her own part in his idiocy. “You certainly have a way of doing that.”

“So I’ve been told. My father claims it’s my greatest talent.”

They fell silent for several minutes.

Serenity thought about the fact that once they got to Santa Maria, she would never see him again.

Why did that thought bring such a surge of pain to her breast? She should be delighted to go home, yet she couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing his face every day.

But that was the way it must be. She had to go home sometime, and the sooner, no doubt, the better.

“Morgan?” she asked.
