Page 85 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Still, she let him carry her to shore with only the tiniest edge of her hem sweeping against the waves.

When he finally stopped and set her down, she wasn’t sure she could hold her own weight. Something about his touch had made her breathless and weak.

“Morgan!” a rough voice called out.

She turned to see a man of about fifty or so years rush toward them. Years of squinting against the island sun had made deep lines around his eyes, but even so, he was very handsome and distinguished-looking. His white hair still held a strand or two of the black it had once been. He wore a flowing white shirt that was open at the neck, and a long, light blue waistcoat. His tan breeches and white stockings looked crisp and unbearable in this heat.

“It’s so good to see you.” The man took Morgan’s hand and pumped it giddily. “Or are you still going by Marshall? Damn, boy, if I ever know what to call you.”

Morgan smiled. “It’s been a long time, Robert.”

The man named Robert turned to Serenity then and gave her a measuring stare that she was sure took in more than just her appearance. There was a sageness to him that led her to believe he could size up her very soul.

“Allow me to present Serenity James. Miss James, this is Robert Dreck, the governor of the island.”

Robert laughed. “Governor, indeed. What he fails to tell you, Miss James, is that I won this island in a card game.” He lifted her hand, bowed low before her like a true noble lord, and placed a gentle kiss on the backs of her fingers. “It is an honor to make your acquaintance.”

Morgan cleared his throat, and she didn’t miss the warning stare he directed to Robert.

Robert’s smile grew wider. “Tell me how such a lady came into your surly presence, Drake.”

Serenity answered for him. “Fate and misfortune laid me at his door.”

Robert started to respond, and then his gaze looked past her and he saw Jake wading ashore.

“My God,” he gasped. “It’s Jack. I don’t believe my eyes!” He rushed forward to greet Jake.

“Jake once saved Robert’s life,” Morgan explained. “I know Robert didn’t mean to leave you so rudely, but he hasn’t seen Jake in a long time.”

“No need to explain. How is it you know Robert?”

His jaw flexed and he became rigid. At first she didn’t think he’d answer and then after a pregnant pause, he said, “I married his daughter.”

After greeting Jake, Robert had led them to waiting coaches which had taken Morgan, Serenity, Jake, and Barney up to his Grecian-style plantation home namedLa Grande Maison. Robert had introduced her to his wife, Martha, and his youngest daughter, Kristen, before the men had retired to his study.

Martha, who was probably a good ten years younger than Robert, had laughing blue eyes and light auburn hair. She was short and plump, and vivacious. But there was something more than that, a cheery happiness that ran so deep in Martha’s personality that all a person had to do was look at her to feel happy.

And Martha had an uncanny ability to read people. She’d no more than just met Serenity before she ordered a bath be drawn and urged Serenity upstairs to rest.

Now Serenity stood inside an upstairs bedroom looking out on the weeping willows and Spanish moss that lined the drive.

Kristen, who was around Serenity’s age, directed the servants to fill the tub and prepare her bath like a military drill instructor. Though slight of stature like her mother, and with the appearance of a fragile china doll, Kristen was not a woman to be taken lightly. Once she donned the cap of commander, Serenity doubted if anyone possessed the backbone to stand up to her.

Serenity tuned out Kristen’s commands while she thought about Morgan’s disclosure of being married to Robert’s eldest daughter, Teresa.

This had once been Morgan’s wife’s home, and Serenity couldn’t help wondering how much he had loved Teresa. What they had shared, and what memories this house stirred within him.

“Miss James,” Kristen called, “your bath is ready and we’re waiting to help you undress.”

“Thank you,” Serenity said, pulling herself away from her thoughts.

A light blue cambric dress had been brushed and was lying on the bed.

“I thought the color would bring out your eyes,” Kristen explained. “It was part of a shipment that Father purchased just last week.”

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“Miss James?” Kristen asked as she moved closer to her.
