Page 89 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“Oh, Morgan,” she whispered to herself. “If only I knew how you really felt.”

La Grande Maisonhad been fashioned after the large homes of Virginia that Robert had admired in his youth. After years of fruitful piracy, and his winning hand of poker, Robert had decided to settle down on Santa Maria, and set his sights on the daughter of a local official.

Once Martha’s father had seen the house Robert was building, he’d quickly given his daughter over for a hefty slice of Robert’s wealth. She had been less than pleased with her father’s choice of husband.

Luckily, Martha’s upset at her father hadn’t lasted. In no time, Robert had won over his new bride.

In all the years Morgan had known them, they had always been happy with each other.

The only thing Robert valued more than this house and his wife were his two daughters.

Morgan sighed at the memory of Teresa. She’d been a beautiful girl with long blond hair and a sweet, docile disposition. Like her mother, she had never said a cross word, and she’d had an enchanting smile.

But her smile had never made him quiver the way Serenity’s did.

And in spite of his best intentions toward Teresa, Morgan had never loved her. The truth of that cut him deeply.

In spite of his heart, he had tried to be a good husband to her, but the lure of the sea had been too much.

Now, full circle, he stood in this same house waiting for the rustle of a feminine hem to herald the approach of a woman he was desperate to see. Twelve years ago he had been nervous to propose to Teresa. The words had even hung in his throat. It had only been by sheer will that he’d finally uttered them.

Now he wanted to see Serenity.

Morgan looked up the stairs for what seemed like the millionth time. For half an hour he’d been waiting in the large, open foyer. A split staircase curved up to the next floor. A floor where she waited.

Where was Serenity?

He grunted at the unintended double entendre. His serenity had left the moment he mether. Just what sort of name was “Serenity” for a woman who brought him anything but peace?

Fate was surely laughing at him.

“Morgan? Are you all right?”

He turned at Kristen’s voice as she entered the foyer from the French doors that led out to the gardens.

“I’m fine.”

“Then why are you pacing?”

“I’m not pacing.”

She cocked an amused brow.

Forcing himself to stop, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t you have something more important to do than spy on me?”

A calculating look darkened her eyes. “Well, as a matter of fact, I do. I was actually on my way to tell Miss James that a trade ship just came into port that is bound for the Colonies.”

He felt his face blanch, and if he hadn’t known better, he’d have sworn Kristen enjoyed seeing it.

“If you’ll excuse me…” She picked up the hem of her dress and started up the stairs.

“Wait!” he snapped before he could stop himself.

She turned about, her eyes wide with innocent questioning. “Yes?”

Morgan debated what to say. He wanted to go upstairs and beg Serenity not to go. He wanted her to stay with him.

His mind hurriedly searched for a logical reason for him to feel that way. A reason he could accept. One he could live with. And he finally realized what the reason must be.
