Page 91 of A Pirate of Her Own

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How to leave Morgan behind.

“No problem,” she lied again, her conscience biting her over the deception. “Do you know when they plan to leave?”

“In three days.”

Three days! Her heart sank. Just three more days and then she would never see Morgan again.

Kristen leaned over and whispered softly. “But you know, a lot can happen in just three days.”

“Yes,” Serenity said with a sigh. “The world could come to an end. I could get knocked senseless, or—”

“Or you could make Morgan fall in love with you and propose.”

Serenity burst out laughing. She didn’t mean to, but the very idea was so ludicrous she couldn’t help herself.

Kristen slowly folded her arms over her chest and eyeballed her. “You don’t believe me?”

Sobering, Serenity shook her head. “Morgan has made it clear that marriage is the last thing he wants.”

Kristen cocked her head. “What a man says and what he really wants are seldom the same. Trust me. When it comes to manipulating men, I doubt if Helen of Troy could top me.”

Kristen moved closer. “Think about it, Serenity. If Morgan marries you, then you’ll never have to listen to the gossips in your hometown. Sure, they’ll talk about Serenity James who ran off to sea tomarryher true love. But they’ll never say the vicious things about you that they will if you return home alone.”

Kristen bent down so close her lips almost touched Serenity’s ear. “Think about it,” she whispered before crossing the room to stand in front of the open windows to where she could look out on the sea.

Serenity did.

It would definitely be a solution. “But what if all he wants to do is go to sea?”

Turning around, Kristen’s smile grew wider. “Let him. He’ll only go once and it won’t be for long.”

Serenity arched a brow in doubt. “What makes you so sure?”

“Do you see George here?” she asked.

“Your husband?”

“Yes. He loved the sea as much, if not more than Morgan. He swore I’d never keep him dry-docked.” Kristen looked more than pleased with herself. “Well, three months after we married, he headed out. Any idea for how long?”

Serenity shook her head.

“Two days.” Kristen held up two fingers to emphasize her words. “Two days, and he ran back swearing he’d never leave me again.”

“But he’s not here now.”

“True,” Kristen admitted. “But had I so much as poked out my bottom lip, he wouldn’t have left. In fact, I had to beg and threaten him to before he would go.”

All this sounded good to Serenity. Imagine taming a pirate! Wrapping Morgan so tightly about her finger that he would never want to leave her. Oh, she definitely liked the sound of that.

But it just seemed to good to be true.

Did she dare trust Kristen?

On the other hand, Kristen had known Morgan a long time, and in the short time Serenity had known the young woman, Kristen had realized truths about her that stunned her. Kristen was definitely observant. And she knew how to read people.

If anyone could be right about Morgan other than Morgan, it would probably be Kristen.

Lord, what if she failed?

“I don’t know, Kristen.”

Kristen shrugged. “All right. Then, think about it. But do it quickly. Time isn’t on your side.”
