Page 93 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“Scandalous!” Martha cried. “She writes the most scandalous things I’ve ever seen. But between us, I admire her views, especially on the education of women. Why, I only learned to read by raw detemination. I remember my father tanning my backside when I was thirteen because he caught me reading. Like many men, he thought book learning would fill my head with the devil’s notions.”

And so the dinner passed with Martha’s enthusiasm and Kristen’s humorous cries of alarm, and Morgan passing looks to her.

When they had finally finished dessert, the men headed back toward Robert’s study, and Martha started leading the women toward the drawing room.


Serenity paused at the sound of Morgan’s voice. “Yes, Captain?”

He walked toward her with a masculine swagger that made her breathless. The candlelight played in his eyes, making them dark and shiny. There was an amused tint to them as well, one that was beguiling and warm. “I was wondering if we might have a walk outside in the garden. It’s a pleasant night.”

She lowered her voice to keep Martha or Kristen from overhearing her. “I remember what happened the last time it was a pleasant night, and I allowed myself to be alone with you.”

He gave her a devilish grin. “I promise it won’t happen again. I shall be on my best behavior.”

Then he leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Unless youwishfor it to happen again. In that case, far be it from me to disappoint a lady.”

Her heart pounded. Part of her was delighted by his words and the knowledge that he did in fact want her.

Still, it was improper for her to encourage him. “You’re a sly one, Captain Drake. And you’re certainly mistaken if you think you can get me where you want me. I dance to no man’s tune. Most especially not yours.”

He covered his chest with his hand and feigned a wound. “I’ve been cut down, my lady. Now and in the prime of my life. You have fatally wounded me with your words.” His grin returned, just as wicked as before. “But tell me, what would it take for you to join me in the garden?”

He looked past her to where Kristen and Martha waited. “Tell her, Kristen,” he said, raising his voice to where they could hear. “She’ll be safe with me for a few minutes. You know yourself what an honorable man I am.”

Kristen laughed. “You mean a cad. Aye, I know all too well what a cad you are, Morgan Drake.” She approached them. “Go ahead, Serenity. Mama and I will leave the doors open. If he so much as kisses your cheek, just gasp and we’ll come running.”

Morgan directed a warning glare Kristen’s way. “Shall we?”

He held his arm out to Serenity, and before she could stop herself, she tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and allowed him to lead her outside.

It really was a beautiful night, she thought as she looked around the carefully manicured garden. Roses and ivy were entwined around trellises set off by tall hedges and carved marble benches. Kristen had told her earlier that this garden was Martha’s pride and joy, and it showed in every aspect of the carefully planned and tended area.

A soft breeze caressed her cheeks as she turned to face Morgan. “So what is it you wished to talk to me about?” she asked.

He looked away for a second, as if collecting his thoughts. When he spoke, his voice was deep, thick. “I was thinking that maybe you shouldn’t buy passage on that colonial ship. You have no idea what kind of captain is in charge.”

Her heart soared at his words.

Could he possibly be saying what she wanted him to say?

Dare she even hope it?

“Are you asking me to stay with you?”

“No,” he said so fast that it brought an ache to her chest. So much for her wants.

At the moment, she wanted to strangle Kristen for encouraging her!

“I wasn’t saying that at all,” Morgan continued, dashing all her hopes with each word. “I just think that you should think twice—”

“Think twice before what?” she asked, her voice sharp and edged.

Who was he to dictate to her? He didn’t even want her around!

“Think twice,” she continued, “before I head off in the middle of a night on a ship full of men who can’t be trusted? Hmm, where have I seen this scenario before? At least I know the captain of the new ship isn’t a pirate, wanted by—how many governments?”
