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She giggles, “You’re silly, Leelee!”

He puts the teapot down and runs his hand over her ringlets, nodding, before standing from his spot and walks around the coffee table until he’s standing just feet in front of me.

“It’s raining,” he repeats.

I nod.

“And I’m off tomorrow,” he oddly states.

I nod again because really, he’s telling me something I already know.

“Change of plans. Can you lose a day of writing and it not affect your deadline?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Can you really? Or are you just telling me what I want to hear? There isn’t a right answer, baby, if you can’t take the time, we won’t. You told me last week that you were stressed about your deadline with your editor pushing into the time you needed to have it to formatting. ”

Okay, so to be honest, I can’t really give up a day. I’ve been working on my first self-published title I’ve released in three years. A title that means the freaking world to me because the plot mirrors mine and Lee’s relationship closely. A second chance love story that holds so much of me between those pages that even if I wasn’t on deadline panic mode, I would still be in panic mode.

The Healing Hand, with the urging of my grief counselor, was what I needed to take the last pieces of my pain, guilt, and grief into a tangible form that would help me heal. It’s been an emotional journey the last eight weeks that I’ve been working on it, but Lee’s been by my side every step of the way. He held me when the scenes became too much that I had to stop. The tears that I shed during those chapters, cathartic in the sense that each warm drop felt like it leaked the pain straight from my soul.

However, seeing Lee so excited over whatever he’s plotting, has me saying, “Of course I can take the day off,” with no doubt in my mind that it will be worth the extra hours of late night typing.

His face goes soft, but he doesn’t lose an ounce of excitement. He sees right through me, but doesn’t call me out.

“I’ll call Dani, make sure she’s off to watch the little lady. If not, I know Izzy is around. But, baby, my mom has been itching for some Molly time. ”

I give him a smile, “Then, honey, call your mom. ”

His dimple comes out and I can tell how much that answer means to him. In the last six weeks since our first dinner at his parent’s house, we’ve had dinner there every Sunday since. Molly has dropped the first names and they are now Nanna and Pops. It’s rare that Dani watches her when Lee wants to go on a date night. Now Molly has two grandmother figures, Izzy and Dee that seem to take great joy in fighting over her.

I lose his eyes when he moves his gaze to his phone, but hear him when he so oddly says. “Got it. Get ready for your feel trip. ” Then his thumb starts moving over his phone and when he looks up, all I get is a wink before his call is connected.

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Did he say feel trip? I listen, distractedly, as he talks to his mom. Not that I’m surprised, but she immediately asked for Molly to spend the night, to which Lee agreed after checking with me.

“I’m not sure why you asked my permission, honey,” I tell him after he disconnects the call. “What?” I question when he looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Darlin’, nothing would make me happier if Molly was mine, but until the day we make that official, I’m not the one that has the power to make that call. ”

“Yes you do,” I tell him, not understanding completely.

“No, Megan. I do not. ”

I look over at Molly to make sure she isn’t listening and grab his hand, pulling him into the kitchen. “Where is this coming from?”

He sighs, “You know I love you? Both of you?” he asks.

“Of course I do. ”

“One day, God I hope I’m lucky enough, when I put my ring on your finger and you become my wife, then I hope Molly gives me the blessing of being a man she calls daddy. One day, when we take that step, then yeah I would feel like I have the go to make a call on whether she stays with my mom or Dani. But bottom line, I don’t yet and I have enough respect for you to ask. ”

I close the distance between us and smile up at him. “You have no clue how much that little girl loves you, honey, but I understand. I don’t agree with you, but that’s because in my eyes, you already hold that right. And one day, if I’m lucky enough, I’ll enjoy those rings on my finger. ” I lean up on my toes and give his slack jaw a kiss, loving the way that my lips tickle against his stubble. “I’m going to put our girl to sleep, you want to come tuck her in with me?”

He seems to visibly shake himself from the shock that held him still, then with a small smirk on his lips, follows me to get Molly ready for bed.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask Lee.

“Darlin’,” he replies but gives me nothing more.

“You’re so annoying sometimes. ”

He laughs and the vibrations tickle my palms, matching the vibrations that are doing nothing to squelch the arousal that having his body pressed close to my front gives me.

“Ready?” He asks, turning his head slightly, giving me his dimple.

“Uh,” I sputter and look away from his dimple and across the rain-soaked, mud-filled, expanse of earth in front of us.

“You’re ready,” he laughs. “Just hold on, Megan. Hold on and feel. ”

“Again with this?” I retort then snap my mouth shut when he hits the gas.

My fingers dig into his shirt and my thighs tighten around his strong body. I feel the wind whipping against my face, my hair flying behind us as we speed up, and then . . . my stomach comes flying up to my throat and all I feel is cold before my eyes shut tight and wetness coats my skin.

“Holy shit,” I breathe.

When I finally feel like my stomach might have returned back to my gut, I open my eyes and watch as the trees blur by us. Lee holds the handles with his usual confidence and I know, even though I’m scared out of my mind, that he won’t let anything happen to us.

I lean forward, the helmet he insisted I wear even though he isn’t wearing one, tapping his on the side of his head, and do as he instructed. I hold on and feel.

He takes the winding trails for what feels like hours. The roar of his ATV trailing behind us with his speed. He doesn’t shy away from those big, mud-filled puddles, nope. Not my Lee. He spots one and it’s full fury of his speed powering through them. The first time that the muddy water coated us both, I almost had a heart attack. Mainly because I thought it would be like the first puddle we hit that was full of just rain water, splashing us and then just leaving wet marks behind. No. Not these monster baby lakes filled with muddy water. Okay, slight exaggeration, but that’s sure what it felt like.

He moved down from the trail we had just been climbing and started to take the steep dirt path downward. Not paying a bit of attention to the trail because I was too focused on wondering how hard it would be to get myself off using his body and the vibrations, when his nose end hit the mud first, a huge wave of brown wetness covered us. And of course, because I was too busy trying to work at getting myself off, my back was arched. I had, in my mind, the best plan to arch my back and rub my core against the seat and his hard body. But when that mud wave came up and then back down, it shot straight down the back of my pants.

“Oh, my God, Lee!”

He doesn’t answer, just laughs harder. So hard, in fact, that he has to stop the four-wheeler.

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“This isn’t funny! I have mud . . . oh my God . . . I have mud in my ass!”

His laughter picks up until he is forced to hold his sides.

“Holy crap. I can feel it. It’s all in my panties, Lee!”

Again, the big jerk just keeps on laughing until he has to pull his shirt up, flip it to the inside and wipe the tears his laughing has caused, rolling down his face.

“I swear, Liam Beckett. I wa

s this close, this freaking close,” I scream, holding my pointer finger just an inch from my thumb, “To having one hell of an orgasm. It was building so high, I was too busy wondering if I would fall off the back when I went off. This freaking close and now . . . now I have mud in my ASS!”

Too busy flipping out, I didn’t even notice when Lee stopped laughing. That is, until he moved and jumped from the seat. He reached out, grabbed my hips and in a move I still can’t process, his ass was back in the seat with me facing him. Our muddy covered chests pressed tight and his mouth on mine in a bruising kiss.

All of the mud is forgotten as his lips plunder mine. My fingers curl into his shoulders and I moan deep into his mouth.

He pulls back and searches my eyes.

“How was that feel trip, Megan?” he says in a growl, the soft look in his eyes betrayed by how forceful he spoke.

“Huh?” I ask in a daze.

“Fuck me,” he says hoarsely. “Fucking, fuck me. ”

“That . . . uh, would be nice, but seeing as I have mud in places mud shouldn’t be, I would be worried about infection. ” I tell him in all seriousness.

“Fuck. ”

“Yup. ”

“I didn’t want to stop so soon, but I take it by the fact that you laughed so hard before that last puddle that I have no doubt you felt and all that you were feeling was nothing but excitement. You took something you were dead set wouldn’t be a bit of fun, braved it, and had fun. That is until I ruined your orgasm, so as far as I can see my job here is done and I should make up for that lost release. ”
