Page 149 of Paper Coffins

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I jump back, turning to face the balcony doorway. My father stands on the threshold as if nothing’s wrong with this image. He’s unperturbed by the sight of me sitting among the bodies of two people who meant everything to me.

“We’re where we’re meant to be.”

I can’t contain my rage. For years, I used it on the wrong people with the wrong motives, and I never felt better for it. I never felt any sort of relief from what I did. I hurt others because I was hurting, and I never found a reprieve. Now, my anger has a real face, and the devil never looked like Natalia in the end. No, the devil is my flesh and blood.

I regrettably let Natalia go in order to stand. Covered in her blood, I meet my father eye to eye.

“What did you do?”

“Something that should’ve been done years ago. I should have put her six feet under almost ten years ago.” He shrugs, like what he’s done is a service to the city and a peace offering for me. “For you to get everything we want, she had to go. Sebastian too.”

Something in my brain switches. Something I’ll never take back. Something that unleashes a beast I can’t control. I can’t help the scream that rips from me. It’s animalistic and born from the very pit of my grief.

I can’t forgive a single of his transgressions, and now I’ll never even think about it because Alistair Knight lost all rights to mercy the moment he twisted everyone’s lives for his agenda.

There’s no second-guessing my next move. My feet carry me towards him with such a speed I can’t control them.

“Beckett, no!”

His cry does little to deter me. In fact, seeing the fear in his eyes and blood on his shirt and hands tells me that my girl got a hit in before she lost her chance, and it’s only fair I finish the job.

We make impact with such a brutal force the momentum is unstoppable, and as my father hits the glass balcony, the force of us causes it to shatter and there’s nothing to grab to save either one of us. He screams my name in disbelief, but I don’t care for him. He took my life, used it to his advantage, and betrayed every ounce of trust I ever had for him.

There are no regrets in this freefall.

He left me with nothing to care for.

He made sure there was absolutely nothing left.

Alistair is the catalyst in all of this, and I don’t want the kingdom he tarnished and destroyed.

I don’t want another second in a world without Natalia.

Or Sebastian, for that matter.

And as the ground hastily approaches, I’m at peace with this decision, but I’m aware he isn’t, and that’s something I’ll happily take to the fucking grave.

After all, it’s true what they say. Trust is like a paper coffin -when it’s gone, it’s gone.

And as the king who lost his queen, I’ll punish appropriately.

This time, it’s final.

