Page 60 of Paper Coffins

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I grin. “You could do everything wrong, and I know you, so youwilldo everything wrong.”

“I’m just an onlooker. I’ll keep quiet.”

“Of course you won’t.” I grin and prepare to leave. “Go and get ready. You make me late and I’ll make sure they fucking hogtie you and throw you in the boot.”

She laughs. “Sure thing, boss.”

I growl as she walks away, knowing this is a rod I made for my own back, but it isn’t one I’ll regret just yet.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, kid.”

I steel my emotions and ignore how my father gets so easily under my skin.

“This life is a dangerous game. Isn’t that how you always sold it?” I give him a small grin. “The difference is, I’m the king now. I have more power in this city, and I have her where I need her.”

“And where is that exactly?” he ponders, knuckles rapping against the table absentmindedly. “Because after I told you what happened back then, I imagined you’d cast her so far out that finding a body wasn’t even an option.”

“You always told me to keep my friends close but my enemies closer.”

“She’s more than an enemy, though, isn’t she, Beckett?”

“Even more reason to keep her here.”

I drift my attention across the room to the doorway she’s just left before I look back at my father.

“I’m going to show her every day exactly what she’s lost, and when I’m done, she’ll have a newfound understanding that coming back to this city was the biggest mistake she’s made.”

“And does she know you know what happened?”

“Not yet.”

In fact, that’s a card I’m willing to keep close to my chest for another day. We’ve barely broached the subject. Spoken about it, but neverreallyspoken about it. She’ll act like the saintly one and I’ll allow it, but only because I know the truth.

She’s an angel choking on a rusty halo.
