Page 83 of Paper Coffins

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“Not until I’m satisfied with your answer!”

“Tally,” Sebastian tries, and as he moves, I shoot him a warning glare. “Look, let’s talk like adults.”

“I think we already are,” I admonish, unable to let the scowl go. “You both seem to have taken to running The Company so unlike before, so I want to know why the fuck you trust, and I use that term loosely, me with this job.”

“Power, money… it’s y-yours without us around.” Beckett is keeping good control of his stress, taking my grip in his stride. “I’ll have you cleaning those toilets tomorrow if you want to find balance.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” I growl, letting him go so I can pace. “You are actually a dim fuck, aren’t you?” I cock a brow, readying to unleash one hell of a rant. “Never, ever trust an enemy with your money.Rule number one. Never,evertrust an enemy with business you can’t see.Rule number two. And never, ever—”

“Sleep with the enemy.” Beckett cuts me off curtly while massaging his groin, his brows furrowed with seriousness. “Not quite rule number three, but it’s up there.”

“In your father’s eyes, you slept with the enemy a lot of times before last night.”

“His opinion never mattered.”

I roll my eyes. While I know that to be true, somewhere along the way, that changed. I might never know when or how, but it did. Alistair never approved of us like my father did, but he allowed us privacy to pursue one another until everything became distorted.

“Now,” Beckett starts, coughing as he finally gets himself back in order. “It’s time you learnt something invaluable. The Company you knew? No longer exists. The company you thought you would inherit? No longer exists. And the power you thought you held? No longer exists.”

My lips purse, but only to withhold the long list of profanities I want to spew.

“You are worthless here unless I say otherwise.”

“These people remember me too.”

Beckett rubs his jaw and snickers. “Maybe so. They knew you once, Natalia. They don’t know you now.”

Seven years forces a lot of growth on people, but at the bottom of it all, I’m still Natalia Abernathy, who walked around like the world owed her everything, who knew she was destined to rule it all, and who showed no mercy in this game of survival.

I was a queen among men, but not one of them respected that damn fact.

“Darling girl, your looks could kill.”

“Clearly not because the pair of you would be pushing daisies by now.” I cross my arms over my chest and scowl harder. “You’re giving me the work of a busy body.”

“A pretty busy body, though.” He steps closer, hands shoved into his pockets. “I’ll let your little assault go, but any more transgressions and I’ll reap hell so bad you’ll regret ever coming back.”

I laugh. “You don’t scare me,darling boy.Your bark is worse than your bite.”

“We’ll see about that.” He approaches again, his height shadowing mine. “Now, pick the damn bag up, Natalia, and get my fucking money.”

I’m not happy about this, but I suck it up, nonetheless.

“Whatever you say, boss man.”

* * *

“You know if you muttered less, we’d get this job done.”

I toss the duffel bag at him, pleased when it hits his chest, and he stumbles against the weight and shock of it.

“I have absolutely no problem adding your head to that bag.” I approach him with a threatening demeanour. “I don’t care what your boss told you. Have some fucking respect.”

“You don’t scare me, princess.”

He sizes me up. Which isn’t hard considering he’s the size of an ogre. I knew Sean when he was a foot soldier. He didn’t scare me then. He certainly doesn’t now.

“I don’t want to frighten you.”
