Page 13 of Mine to Keep

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By the time I finished, I still couldn’t read him. I glanced nervously at the belt on the table, studying the dark gray threading at the top and bottom of the vicious-looking strap. The leather was thicker than I had originally thought. I imagined him bending me over the table or the couch. Would he lift my shirt and pull down my panties? Would he enjoy seeing my bottom reddening under his punishment?

Would I like it too?

My face heated in embarrassment. I tried to cover up my wicked thoughts as much as I could, but I had a feeling he could read them all over my face. I stood there in front of him like a naughty little girl, waiting to be put over his knee for the second time.

The first time had been just a warning. I had a feeling the second one would be the real punishment.

“I believe you, Ava,” he said after what felt like an eternity.

I sighed in relief, glancing at the belt again. Maybe he wouldn’t use it after all. My pussy clenched hard, almost in disappointment. What was wrong with me? Did I want him to belt me?

“I need you to know that you’re safe now, Ava. Anthony won’t touch a hair on your head ever again,” he vowed. As he said the words, he reached for both of my hands and enfolded them in his. His gaze captured mine, warm and soothing like the sight of the moonlight glimmering across a rolling tide. His thumbs brushed over my knuckles, and it was more calming than I anticipated. I watched the circling motion for a minute before I felt brave enough to face him.

His fingers squeezed mine tight.

My mind raced, but I couldn’t think of a single thing that I could do other than trust him. I didn’t have the cash on hand to just disappear. I didn’t have anyone else I could escape to other than my uncle, but that would probably put him in danger too.

I didn’t want to do that to him either.

“You really mean that?” I asked quietly.

“I do,” he answered, and, in that moment, I believed him. He’d been nothing but kind and he was the sort of person that I needed right now. He was strong, protective, and his very presence was making my body surge into overdrive.

Maybe it was because I knew the spanking wasn’t over yet or maybe it was because with him, I did really feel safe.

“Why doesn’t the mafia scare you?” I questioned.

“Anthony is not the only powerhouse in this city, Ava,” he answered simply. I felt like there was more to the story than he was letting on. Was he a criminal too?

I looked down at his knees, feeling like his very presence was oozing power and sheer dominance. His hands on mine lit my skin on fire, electrifying every nerve and putting me on edge. I hadn’t had the forethought to put my bra back on and my breasts felt heavy. I hoped the thick patterned fabric of his shirt was enough to cover up my hardening nipples. My pussy was still very wet. Would he take my panties down? Would he see the wet spot on them?

I was losing control of my body at an overwhelmingly fast pace.

“I will keep you safe,” he said one more time.

“I believe you,” I admitted finally.

“Now, would you like a kiss before the rest of your punishment?” he asked softly.

My face heated like I’d put it straight into a campfire. My blush only deepened as I stood there before him, and I chewed my lip, unable to look away from his mouth.

Would his lips be soft? Would he be gentle? Would I like it when his beard scraped against my chin?

I lost myself in the thought of it.

The only thing I was sure of was that I did want him to kiss me. Secretly, I hoped he’d do much, much more than that, but I still wasn’t sure if he would want that too.

“I would like a kiss,” I admitted blushingly. He kept my hands in his for only a few seconds longer before he stood up, overwhelming me briefly with his enormous size. His palms cupped my cheeks as he drew me in with incredible gentleness. I glanced up nervously into his eyes, but they just made me feel like this was right, that I wanted this kiss.

When his lips finally brushed against mine, I gasped as liquid fire sizzled in my veins.

One arm wound around my waist as he pulled me in against him. His body surrounded mine as he stole my breath away with the initial gentleness of that kiss. As the seconds ticked by, the embrace turned rougher, more possessive, and it made my heart pound with desire.

This was the kind of kiss a woman would sell her soul to the devil for. No man should be allowed to kiss like this.

In that moment, I knew he’d begun to steal my heart.

I lost myself in it. I let his presence envelop mine, enfolding me in his safety, his protectiveness, and the sheer seduction that was him.
