Page 20 of Mine to Keep

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He kissed my cheek and my forehead and my lips. He kissed away the salty trail of tears that continued to fall. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clutching to him like a lifeline.

“I’m sorry I was a bad girl,” I whispered.

“Shhh, all you needed was a reminder, Ava. You’re my good girl,” he answered quickly.

I nestled my face into the crook of his neck. He held me for what felt like forever until my tears dried completely and then more after that. I listened to the soothing sound of his heartbeat, strong and steady and sure.

I’d never felt so cared for in my life. I had never really had anyone, but now I had him.

“You needed that, didn’t you, my sweet girl,” he said softly.

“Yes, sir.”

He was right. I felt so light now, like he had taken the weight of the world off my shoulders, that for once in my life I didn’t have to be in control.

It was liberating.

“Thank you,” I offered, my voice nearly inaudible.

“I’d do anything for you, Ava. I meant it when I said that you’re mine and that means that I will not hesitate to turn you over my knee whenever you need it,” he continued.

My clit throbbed hard. I squirmed the tiniest bit, more than aware of the bareness of my pussy as a single drop of arousal rolled down my thigh.

“Lie back over my knee,” he instructed.

I whimpered softly with anxious arousal, but I did as he asked. I hoped that showing him obedience would earn me mercy.

I shook a little, fearful that the spanking wasn’t over after all.

Thankfully, he slid his palm over my scalded ass in soothing circles. I could feel his eyes on my naked flesh, admiring the now bright red color of my punished backside. My pussy flared with need and the steel firmness of his cock dug into my side. His fingers slid up and down my ass until he started touching the backs of my thighs. I was over both of his knees now and he made no effort to pin me down so my movements weren’t limited.

Inadvertently, I rocked my hips into his touch as my thighs drifted open.

I whined with embarrassment when his fingertips grazed against the rampant wetness that coated my thighs.

“My my, sweet girl. You’re soaking wet after your spanking,” he observed and that made it that much more mortifying.

“It hurt,” I pouted, and he chuckled.

“It was supposed to. It was a punishment,” he chided. His cock throbbed against my hip.

“Cyrus,” I gasped as his fingers only just grazed my inner thighs, glancing perilously close to my pussy by only fractions of an inch.

“Do you want to know something else, my sweet girl?” he asked.

“Yes,” I breathed.

“I enjoyed punishing you quite a bit. There is nothing more beautiful than those pretty tears sliding down your cheeks,” he murmured. “Just looking at this bright red ass is making my cock very, very hard.”

My face flushed with blazing heat.

His fingers slipped between my legs. He teased my clit using the lightest pressure imaginable, but it was enough to cause a flare of desire to shoot straight to my core.

He continued to tease me relentlessly and it didn’t take long until I was writhing over his thighs with need. I whined and moaned through every second of it, begging for mercy and receiving none. He never pressed hard enough to allow me to come, keeping me on the edge of orgasm for what seemed like an eternity.

“Please, sir. Please let me come,” I pleaded, but he didn’t relent. He teased me until my pussy was a soaked mess of throbbing need. I tried to rub my clit against his fingers. When I tried pushing back against him, he spanked my pussy firmly.

The shock of that sudden, fiery sting was overwhelming and terrible, and my pussy clenched down hard.
