Page 5 of Mine to Keep

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I opened and closed my lips. I should say I didn’t want it. I should send it back, but the problem was that my nerves were frayed to pieces, and a glass of wine felt like something of a godsend.

“Really?” I asked quietly.

“Yeah. You look like you could use it tonight,” he smiled warmly, and I reached forward and took a sip. Hints of blackberry, plum, and black cherry burst across my tongue, and next came nuances of chocolate and black pepper, followed with a smoky finish.

It was a fine glass of Malbec. A very fine one.

From the taste alone, I knew it wasn’t a simple house wine, but an expensive bottle. I lifted my head to question the waiter, but he’d disappeared into the back somewhere.

I took another hesitant sip, trying to relax despite the panic unfurling inside of me. My stomach growled again, and I took a bite of one of the slices of pizza. Every ingredient came together in a delicious combination that spoke to impeccable sources. The sauce had a hint of sweetness, but the homemade taste of garlic, salt, and fresh tomatoes shone through. The spices seemed simple. The crust was crisp, but soft inside and the cheese was real mozzarella.

I chewed thoughtfully, sitting back as I tried to work through what kind of options I had.

Something flashed in the corner of the restaurant, and I cried out, startled. I slapped my hand over my mouth.

There was a man sitting in the corner. His watch had caught the light.

I took a breath and drew my hand away from my mouth, trying to act like I was totally normal and definitely not losing my shit.

He was kind of ominous, really. The kind of man that even mobsters would run away from. Even though he was sitting down, I could tell he was enormous. I couldn’t make out the details, but his arms were covered in tattoos. Each one seemed to accentuate the taut firmness of his muscles. His biceps flexed. I was found myself momentarily distracted by the stark blue of his gaze. It almost felt like it was unnatural for a second, but I looked away, thinking I was probably suffering from post-traumatic stress and had potentially just gone insane.

I took another bite of pizza and chewed in silence, feigning calmness and normalcy as best I could.

When I glanced back up, he was watching me. When my gaze caught his, he didn’t turn away.

His jawline was covered in a thick beard, but it was well groomed and trimmed around the shape of his face. His eyes were indeed blue, and they sparkled like gemstones, catching the dim light just right.

I chewed the inside of my cheek. His presence in the room felt overwhelmingly consuming and I swallowed hard, trying desperately not to let him get the best of me. I dropped my gaze, studying the way his black t-shirt hugged his torso. A pair of shined leather shoes peeked out from underneath the tablecloth. I wasn’t certain, but he appeared to have on a dark pair of blue jeans.

He was huge, the type of big that rich celebrities hired as bodyguards. In silence, he cocked his head to the side, studying me intently. I expected him to say something, to maybe harass me about being a single woman out on the streets in the middle of the night, but he said nothing.

Fuck. What if he was on Anthony’s payroll too?

I needed to get out of here and fast. I had enough money to buy a train ticket at least. I just had to move.

I pushed my palms against the table and got up, nearly tipping over the wine in the process. With a surprised gasp, I caught it before it spilled everywhere. I reached into my pocket and fished out a twenty, when the man in the corner cleared his throat.

“I’m not sure who you’re running from, but whoever is coming after you won’t bother you here. You can take your time and finish your meal before you sit down with me and tell me your story,” he said.

The gentle rumble of his voice made my heart pound in my chest. It was like a quiet soothing growl that reverberated deep inside my bones. The kind of voice that I’d always attributed to the swoon-worthy men in all the books I read, be it a swashbuckling pirate, sexy duke, or fearless obsessive mobster who would do anything for the women they love.

The kind of voice that made your panties melt almost instantaneously.

Fuck. I’d really lost it.

I stood there and lifted my chin just enough to catch his hard stare. I glanced from him to the door, trying to guess how long it would take me to sprint from my seat and make it all the way to the door.
