Page 53 of Mine to Keep

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I left her aching little pussy untouched as I thoroughly washed her sore hole. She whimpered and moaned when I grew a bit rougher with her. When I decided she’d had enough, I slipped my single finger out of her.

“Why don’t you soak in the water a little bit longer? Would you like more wine?” I asked her.

“Yes, sir,” she managed, but it was obvious she was having difficulty focusing on anything else but the firestorm of sensation I’d awakened between her legs.

I helped her back down into the water, not turning away until I was certain that she was settled.

“Rinse out the conditioner in your hair,” I guided as I poured some more wine for her. She obediently did as I asked and was dripping by the time I turned back with her glass. She took it with tentative fingers and brought it up to her mouth for a small sip.

I walked over to the armchair, settling in and watching her bathe. She glanced at me shyly. I expected her to protest, but she didn’t. Eventually, she sat back and sighed, a look of contentment flittering across her face.

She liked me here with her. My presence settled her, and my heart thumped. For a while longer, the two of us just rested and eventually, she cleared her throat.

“The water is starting to cool. May I get out now?” she asked softly.

“Of course,” I replied. Without hesitation, I got up and offered her a hand to help her out of the tub. She took it gratefully and pulled one foot out, tentatively placing it on the throw rug. I supported her as she climbed out the rest of the way. She shivered a little as I grasped a big soft white towel off the warmer. I dried her off a little before wrapping her in it.

“Are there pajamas?” she asked.

I shook my head. “There are, but you’re not going to be wearing any tonight,” I explained, and her shoulders curled forward as she chewed her lip, thoroughly embarrassed at the thought.

I took her hand and guided her to the counter. I sat her down on the stool I’d used to bathe her and worked a brush through her hair. Her hair detangled with ease, but I took a little extra time to thoroughly work out even the tiniest knots.

When I was finished, I led her out across the heated floor into the carpeted bedroom. When she entered the room, I stopped and gently took the towel away from her.

“Go climb into bed. Lie face down,” I told her. She tensed and I softened my expression. “No more punishments. I’m taking care of you tonight.”

She was hesitant, but she lay down on the bed like I told her and looked back at me with a nervous innocence. She smiled with desire when she saw me strip down to my underwear. I decided to keep them on for now because I wasn’t sure I could keep myself from fucking her if there wasn’t some sort of barrier between us.

She blushed, trying to hide the look of arousal in her eyes.

The insatiable little minx wanted my cock again. I stalked toward her with purpose, and she hummed nervously when I reached the bed.

The lighting made her skin glow and she sucked in a breath when I climbed on top of her. I took several seconds to savor the moment as she trembled beneath me, likely wondering what I was going to do to her. Would I spank her? Would I fuck her?

Her muscles tensed beneath me as I reached for the jar of lotion on the nightstand. She relaxed once she saw me take it into my hands.

I took out a generous scoop and spread it across her shoulders. I worked my fingers into the tense mass of muscles in her upper back and she moaned out loud.

“Where did you learn to do that?” she asked. My cock stirred when she made another sound of pleasure, and I was grateful for my decision to leave my underwear in place.

“I took a few classes when I was younger,” I answered, and she squeaked in pain when I started working at a particularly stubborn knot. When I felt it give under my fingertips, her entire body slumped with relaxation into the bed.

I worked down her back slowly, taking my time and ensuring that I took every single bit of tension from her that I could. When I reached her ass, I massaged her there too. When she rocked her hips, I slapped her ass lightly enough to remind her to keep still.

When I was finished, she sighed with pleasure, completely and utterly relaxed.

“Does your sore little bottom feel better?” I asked her and she hid her face in the pillows. When she didn’t answer right away, I spanked her bottom hard enough to sting a little. She cried out, realizing a smack on a freshly lotioned bottom hurt far more than she anticipated.

“Yes, sir,” she admitted in a rush.

“Come. Time for bed now,” I said firmly. I lifted the covers and helped guide her beneath while also ignoring the way her lower lip protruded in the cutest little pout.

“I will stay with you all night,” I assured her. Her pout disappeared, quickly replaced with a smile that spoke to her contentment. She gazed back at me, her eyes sparkling.

“You mean that?” she asked.

“I do, my sweet girl,” I replied.
