Page 67 of Mine to Keep

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He lifted me off the seat and pulled me into his lap. He kissed the top of my head and I curled into his embrace.

“I was so scared when the news reached me that he’d found our safehouse. I’m so sorry for not being there to protect you, but I will spend every day of the rest of my life making it up to you. Understand me, my love?” he demanded hoarsely.

His emotion broke me free from the shock I’d been drowning in. I lifted my chin, needing to look into his eyes to see if it was true.

I saw everything there.

“I understand,” I whispered, overwhelmed by his emotion.

“I love you and if anyone ever threatens you like that again, I’m going to end them,” he vowed.

I smiled into his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, and knowing that I believed every word.

That night, the two of us drove back into the city. I rested for much of the trip and when we arrived at our destination, he insisted on carrying me inside. The sun had gone down at some point. I hadn’t really noticed when. He shuffled into an elevator with me, and it ascended so many floors that it made my head spin. A wave of exhaustion passed over me and I closed my eyes, sighing against his chest.

At some point, he laid me down on a bed that felt like a cloud. His strong form only left me for a few minutes, but it was long enough to make me miss him. Almost as if he knew, he pulled the covers up over me and pulled me against him.

At once, I felt like I could breathe. I slept the rest of that night in peace.
