Page 70 of Mine to Keep

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A shiver raced down my spine.

“I have told you of my wife and son and my position in the city many years ago,” he said, sitting back. Slowly, he sipped his coffee and ignored the omelet sitting in front of him to focus entirely on me.

“Yes,” I breathed.

“It’s become clear I’ve stepped back for far too long. There are several things that will need to be ironed out in the coming days, but I need to place several men in charge to ensure the city is run by men and not little boys like the late Anthony Montagna,” he continued.

I flinched a little at his name as images of his grisly death flashed before my eyes. I had been the one holding the knife. I’d killed him and I cried out before I even realized it.

“He’s gone, my love. I’m so proud of you for holding your own, that you did what had to be done when I wasn’t there to protect you,” he declared loudly. He reached out and held his palm out for me. I lifted my hand and took his, only for him to squeeze it impossibly tight.

“Together, you and I are going to make sure the city is led by those that deserve it, rather than someone who isn’t ready for that kind of responsibility. You will sit by my side as my queen,” he explained, and my mouth opened and closed several times before I figured out what I wanted to say.

“With you,” I echoed.

“With me,” he repeated.

“What would that mean exactly?” I asked.

“Well, the Montagna family is missing a leader. There are no sons to choose from, nor are there any other family members in line to take the role of kingpin, which leaves the decision in my hands. You and I must find someone to replace the asshole that finally got what was coming to him,” he explained.

“What happens if we don’t?” I asked.

“The Montagnas rule over a segment of the city. If they fall into ruin, it will mean war between the other families in a volley to take over their territory. By placing someone at the head, we will avoid a great deal of future disputes. There still may be some heat in the following weeks, but it should quiet with the right man in charge.” After he finished, he leaned forward and took a small bite of his food. I did the same.

“Do you have anyone in particular in mind?” I questioned.

“I have two men I think might be particularly useful in this situation. Jon is one. He was the consigliere to the Montagna family for many years. He knows the inner workings of the way they work and is a fair man who will not condone any abuse toward a woman,” he started.

“He’s the one who made sure I got away from Anthony when all that started,” I said, and he nodded.

“That he did,” he replied gently. “The other option I have in mind is James. He still holds significant power in the city, and it might do the Montagna family some good to answer to something of a fresh face.”

He looked to me like he wanted my opinion.

Both men seemed like exceptionally good choices.

Jon knew how the Montagna family worked. He’d been at Anthony’s father’s side, and I knew from experience that he had kind eyes. Despite the loyalty I knew he had to the family, he was still the one who had un-cuffed me and arranged for the car accident to happen so I could escape.

On the other hand, James commanded the space in a room when he walked in. From watching him interact with Cyrus, I knew that he could make decisions logically and without impulse, for the greater good. He’d been extremely kind to me when I’d stayed at his house.

I searched his gaze, trying to figure out if Cyrus had a preference. His expression was unreadable, so I decided to tell him my thoughts.

“I think both men would be good options, but considering the circumstances, there is one that seems better suited to leading the Montagna family specifically. Jon knows who their allies are, who their enemies are, where their territory lines lie, and the businesses they are involved in. He would be the best choice to rule over the Montagnas,” I replied assuredly.

“There is an underboss that might disagree with our decision,” he answered. It was at that point that I knew he was assessing what kind of leader I would be. This was something of a test.

“Would that underboss be brave enough to take a stand against you, especially considering you would be the one to put Jon in charge?” I asked pointedly and he grinned.

“Good point,” he chuckled. He cleared his throat and sipped his coffee.

“The underboss has been in the family for some time, just like Jon. His name is Dominic Montagna. Truth be told, he has never expressed much interest in ruling. He’s also never been especially interested in settling down and having children either. He’s much too interested in his own bachelor status,” he continued.

“Jon isn’t married,” I pointed out.

“True, but that can always be arranged, can’t it?” he grinned.

“Fair,” I smiled. “James isn’t either, is he?” I added.
