Page 10 of Storm Watch

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Iwanted more than a few strings and I wanted to take another kiss. Her lips were so soft, so close.

But again, reality pulled me away. “Dammit.” I said with a low groan, biting my lip in frustration and trying to contain the ache in my chest. Pulling away from the kiss, I pressed my forehead to hers. “Does it have to be the once?”

She tried to speak, but the words kept catching in her throat. We were both still riding the high of the moment, not totally clear in our thoughts. “Hayden, I…”

A crunch of gravel and leaves pulled us apart. “Over here Nathan.” It was a loss to pull away from her and those sweet curves of her body. I wanted to hold on to her and never let her go.

Coming down the trail, a small pack slung over his shoulder, was Nathan. He was all grins and I was certain the kid was fueled by pure sunshine. He had been a park ranger for a short time so far, starting off first as an intern and working his way up to law enforcement and other tasks. He was brilliant, though he clearly lacked any social awareness.

“Hey Hayden! Bucks told me to come on down, just in case and all. James said he would meet me but, well, you know James.” He stopped in the middle of the trail and stared, his mouth forming a quick “o” as his gaze passed from me to Lana, who was still waiting in the trees.

“Oh,” Nathan said, looking back and forth between us, “Umm.”

I picked up my pack and found my rifle, where I stowed it against the tree. “This is Lana.” I said, reaching toward her and grasped her hand, helping her over a fallen tree. I wanted to keep her hand in mine for just a little longer. “The cougar had stalked her, but ran off after I fired a warning shot.”

Nathan swiveled his gaze and looked at Lana with a worried expression. “You okay now, Miss Lana?”

Lana gave a small laugh. The sound was music to my ears. “I don’t need the ‘Miss’ part, but yeah. I am okay.”

“Sorry ma’am, it’s a Texas thing.”

“Since when are you from Texas?” I asked, “You are California through and through.”

The young man flustered, his face turning red under the scorching sun still visible beneath his broad brimmed flat hat. “Well, I spent a few years there studying!”

I reached over and gave him a hard pat on the shoulder with my free palm, leaving behind a dark dirt print on his neatly pressed uniform. “Well then, Texas, let’s get back to the trucks.”

Behind me, Lana stood, her own pack slung over one shoulder, her fingers still laced in mine. As Nathan headed back up the trail, I let my palm squeeze hers, hoping she could feel my pounding desire through my fingertips.

She was safe with me as long as I was watching. She would always be safe with me.

“Hayden.” Her voice pulled me from my thoughts. My body reacted, growing hard with little electric zaps tingling low in my belly. I loved how she said my name, smooth from her lips. I wanted to take her then. Nathan’s innocence be damned.

Lana stepped close to me, the sun bearing down on us both. She reached a hand to my cheek, caressing it softly, her smooth palm against my rough skin. “Let’s go. The sun is going to set soon.” Her hand dropped from my jaw, fingers sliding from my lips down to press the middle of my chest. “And we better not keep Nathan waiting.”

I sighed. “You’re right.” She dropped her hand, leaving a gentle warmth behind.

We walked the trail not far behind Nathan in silence, thinking of what we had just done. After the mind blowing orgasm she gave me, I didn’t get to have her or give her back in kind. I wanted to get to know her, learn about her hobbies, her work, her life. I also wanted to know every part of her, and memorize the smooth curves of her body.

Once every few steps I would glance at her, seeing the determination in her eyes. Finally I stopped, pulling her back and gripping her backpack’s straps and sliding them from her shoulders.

“What are you doing?” She said, taken aback and worried.

“Trying to be a gentleman. I’m not very good at these things.” I said, shrugging her pack with the rest of my gear.

“I can carry it, you know. I got it all the way here.”

I smiled, “I know, but now I will carry it.”

Lana was about to protest when Nathan called out ahead of us. “Hurry it up! Only about 10 more minutes. We need to get back to the truck before winter sets in. Sheesh!”

“Well, we got to listen to the poor kid.” She gave me a punch on the shoulder, egging me on. “Well then, don’t fall behind Hayden Storme.”

That smile, that damn brilliant smile. Fuck, my cock was ready to go again and now I was hiking, carrying two packs and trying to keep up with a stubborn woman. She moved on ahead, thick hips swaying, teasing me, riling me up.
