Page 25 of Storm Watch

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Back to his binoculars, scanning the sunset colored horizon, Hayden replied, “How long you think that will take?”

A long pause, then the radio came back to life. “A day or so? We should be up there the day after tomorrow at the latest. If you feel up for it, you can probably start hiking down early tomorrow. Just keep us posted and we can pick you up in a clearer area. You okay until then?”

“Yeah, we will be okay.”

“Great, see you tomorrow - probably.”

“You got it Bucks, see you tomorrow.”

The radio calmed to silence, and Hayden placed it on the center table with a careful hand. He paused, the towel hanging low on his hips, leaving very little to the imagination.

“So,” I started, taking another sip of hot chocolate. “I guess we are here until tomorrow morning, then?”

“Seems that way.”

I nodded, looking back out to the sunset, lighting up the sky in a cascade of pinks and purples, a rainbow in the distance fresh from the rain of the storm. It was beautiful. I guess I made it to the summit in the end.

“We’ll need to stay warm. It will get cold tonight after that storm.”

I set my almost empty hot chocolate to the side, standing with the blankets draping over my shoulders. “We could light the small cast-iron stove over there.” I suggested, walking closer to where he stood. I reached out a hand to his chest and let my fingers trace the valleys and hills of his muscles. “Or maybe, Hayden Storme,youcan keep me warm instead?”

He dipped his face to mine, reaching and sliding the blanket from my shoulder. The fabric fell away, baring my naked body before him, the chill making my nipples hard points on my breasts. One large hand pressed against my breast, sliding calloused palms down over my sensitive skin.

“I will always be here to keep you warm.”

He placed a kiss against my lips, warm and filled with want. My body reacted, lightning shooting through my veins. The towel around his waist fell free, his cock hard and ready, my body reacting with need.

I pulled him to the bed where he lay between my legs, pressing kisses over my face and neck. He dragged his teeth over my shoulder, threatening small bites and teasing licks.

“I want all strings attached, Lana.” He mumbled against the soft skin of a breast, teeth catching my nipple. “All of them.”

I breathed out a gasp as his hand slipped between my legs, fingers searching once again. “All of them, Hayden. All of me.”

“Good.” He said, slipping his thick cock into my body, beginning with slow and deliberate thrusts. “I won’t be gentle.” He said. The words shot a thrill through my body. My orgasm rose high again as his movements increased, making me arch my back and moan in pleasure against his mouth.

Hayden brought thunder to my heart and lightning to my veins. This was the storm I wanted to be lost in.

