Page 26 of Storm Watch

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Itipped my campaign hat low on my head, shading against the scalding brightness of the afternoon. Looking out over the vastness of Yosemite while leaning against my rig, I watched as tourists, hikers, and day trippers captured hundreds of photos of the Dome and El Capitan. An art group from the Yosemite Conservatory passed by, sketchbooks and painting gear in tow.

Here I watched for anything out of the ordinary, from mountain lions to tourists slipping down the rocky slopes, to surprise thunder storms causing chaos with traffic.

Anything could happen, from busy days to boring days. Where you came for the sunrise and stayed for the emergency calls.

“Daddy!” A small voice called from an open window. Once the Jeep came to a full stop behind my truck, the door swung open with a small body dashing forth, hat in hand, sprinting my way.

“Hey buddy!” I reached out and grasped my son, Westley, in my arms, lifting him high and feeling his tight hug around my neck. Becoming a father was everything I had ever dreamed of. From the early days of sleepless nights, to holding his warm little body in my arms for his first cold. I could imagine nothing better. “How was school?” Just turning five, he was a thunderstorm unto himself, all energy and fierce determination.

“It was so, so amazing!” He flung his arms wide. “We learned about dinosaurs today. Daddy, they are the best!”

That smile, those eyes. He was the spitting image of his mother.

“Yeah? Which is your favorite?”


A laugh matching my son chimed in from behind me. My wife, glowing with elegance, crossed her arms and smiled. “I don’t know. The T-Rex is pretty great.” My son gave her a serious thumbs down. Lana set a hand on my arm and stood on her toes to give me a kiss.

“How are you feeling, love?” I asked. She looked tired but glorious in the setting sun of Yosemite National Park. Lana reached down and placed a hand over the 6 month swell of her belly. My daughter growing strong and safe within her.

“Tired, but looks like we will close on the Bretford Estate.” She fist pumped the air, her smile worth a million diamonds. “You know what that means - tacos!”

“I want a kajillion tacos!” Westley agreed, letting loose giggles.

Joining the banter, I said, “I think tacos sound perfect.”

Lana leaned over and gave our son a hard kiss on the cheek. “Tacos it is then! But first, let’s let daddy finish his work. We can read the new dinosaur book in the car.”

“Yeah!” Westley cried, wriggling from my grasp and running back to the car. “I am going to read my favorite one. Come on mom, hurry!”

Squeezing my arm and giving me a smile, I felt my heart warm. Every curve, every smile and kiss, Lana was my everything.

“See you after work love, we will pick you up at the ranger station.” She gave me a kiss on my cheek, eyes sparkling. “Was thinking after tacos for dinner then an early night for Westley?”


“I bought extra chocolate.” She bit her lip and gave me that daring smile, the same smile from all those years ago on the trail when we first met. “Just for us.”

“Sounds perfect.” I said, a growl low in my throat, just enough for her to hear. “They said a storm should be coming tonight. Might be loud.”

“Well then, guess we won’t need to be quiet.”

She teased me with a wiggle of eyebrows and a sexy wink. “Don’t keep me waiting, Hayden Storme.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

I smiled as she walked away. Those perfect curves and the sweet sway of her hips sending shock waves through my body. Life could not be more perfect.

My family of storm clouds.

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