Page 27 of One Night Stand

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Chapter Nine


I probably stoodthere for another five minutes, my hand in one spot on Mia’s belly.

She’d ask, “Did you feel that one?” every time she felt a push or a kick, and I found I was disappointed that I only felt a few of the movements she felt.

Her hand was still on my wrist and she guided my hand to the top of the swell. “What about there?”

I tried to focus on my hand and what was beneath it, but I kept fighting my eyes from searching over her face.

This Mia was certainly a grown up Mia from my childhood.

The Mia then was, like Rory and I called her earlier, pudgy. She’d been a little rounder than most of the kids, but she was a laugher. She laughed and she smiled, and as much as I hated Bren and Mia hanging around, there may have been a few days I said no to a party or something just so I could hang out in the backyard with my kid sister and her tagalong friend.

When their friendship ended, I had already left for college, so not seeing her again after that point wasn’t something I dwelled on. She was eight years younger than me, and my kid sister's once friend. She’d been a blip on my radar.

It was easy to see how I didn’t recognize her back in March. She still had the crazy hair and the eyes that looked like they could see right through you, but she had grown up into quite the beautiful woman. No, she wasn’t flashy like many of the women I spent my time with, but still, there was something about her.

Mia’s gaze was down on our hands the entire time, and finally she glanced up to see me watching her. Her face flushed and she bit on her lower lip, much like she did again and again that night in March.

We had made good leeway tonight, came pretty far from the argument at the restaurant, and I shouldn’t want to overstep the line.

But I wanted to.

And because I wasn’t one to take too big of a step back, I did what I wanted.

As I slid my hand down the swell and over to her hip, I leaned down so I could press my lips to hers. Before meeting her lips though, I paused long enough to let her pull back.

But Mia didn’t pull back.

No, no she didn’t.

She leaned up. I could feel her hip tense as she pushed to stand on her stool just enough to make that contact, and then relax as I met her and followed her back down as she sat. Putting my other hand to her face, I kept my lips against hers light and the kiss slow. What I really wanted was to lift her up and find her bed, toss her down and fuck her senseless, but there was the kid between us now.

Shit, how did that work?

Mia pulled back and frowned up at me, so I mirrored her frown. “What?”

She shifted in her seat. “Don’t start something you have no intention of finishing. Don’t…kiss me because you feel like it will give you…I don’t know, leeway with me. Just…” She maneuvered to stand and squeezed past me, her baby belly brushing against me. “We can’t kiss, Conor. We just…we can’t.”

She was moving away, but fuck, I didn’t want her to. I reached with both hands, grabbing onto her hips, and pulling her back as I moved forward. When I rocked my erection against her, she gasped lightly.

“Give me a chance,” I whispered into her ear, rubbing my chin just under it.

Her laugh was cold. “Give you a chance? Geez, Conor, why would I want to do that?” She looked at me over her shoulder, but didn’t move away from where I was pressed into her back. “This is probably just some…I don’t know, fetish or something. You’re curious about fucking a pregnant girl and—”

Everything kind of drowned out after she used the term ‘fucking.’ That’s what I did, yes, but to hear it coming out of Mia’s mouth? Can’t say I liked it too much.

“—eventually you’ll just get sick of me, of us, and you’ll leave. Sorry if I don’t want to play that game.”

With my hands on her hips, I turned her to face me. Her face was still flushed, or rather, it was flushed again, and her eyes were wild. But her lower lip was trembling again.

“Look. This is new for me. I’m guessing it’s new for you too. I don’t see any chicklets running around.” I lifted my brows, waiting for her to challenge me in the way she did. When she didn’t, I continued. “I can’t promise next week. Fuck, I can’t promise tomorrow. But I want,” I shrugged and swallowed. Shit these words were hard. “I’d like to try.”

She stared at me like I grew two heads. Fuck, maybe I did.

“But…I mean…” Mia stumbling over her words was kind of cute. She was flustered and it was more than evident. “That’s not you though, Conor. I’m sorry, but you’re a flirt. And while, yeah, flirting isn’t necessarily the end all, you don’t just flirt to flirt. You flirt to get laid.”
